Chapter 10: Spiders on the Farm

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@JackWarf: Thank you!

@Its_Fr0st: Thank you!

@AntonioRush7: Glad you think the story is fire!

@Warbros123: Yes, Vernal's backstory is very much inspired by Casca.

@Warbros123: Also, yeah, that part was to make people feel uncomfortable, it went to show the past of certain characters who have already seen the dark and evil parts of this world. We'll see other characters' pasts's like Ren, Nora, Emerald, Mercury, Cinder, and Adam's past be explored.


Update 7:

Shadow the hedgehog is a bitch ass mother fucker

Also, my discord is still open, so if you want to join it's on my profile.

If you're interested, we talk about ideas for stories, talk about other interests, share art and cover art, and other things! So far, besides myself, there are two others and we would love it if fellow writers and readers joined.





Before Morning came, Melissa, Vernal, and Jaune collected the Spider members and stuffed their bodies in an empty barn room, but they stripped them of any ammo and other weapons for future use. They quickly checked on oscar, who was still very ok, but quite shaken by the shots and the fear of them possibly being the ones shot, but with some reassurance from melissa as well as some encouragement to get some rest, Oscar eventually fell asleep.

Finally, when Morning came, Melissa also wanted to get some rest and urged the two teens to do the same, but they both said they would stay up and keep watch in case of another attack, and Melissa thanked them and headed for her room.

Once upstairs, Jaune and Vernal went to the kitchen to cook whatever they had, and they ate breakfast, and once finished, they cleaned up the dishes they used, finishing up, they then moved to the living room to relax just a little bit and turned on the TV, and as he listened to what was on tv, he began to feel drowsy, the adrenalin had left him, but not wanting to fall asleep, he tried to keep his eyes open and rested on the couch arm, but sleep still was able to take him as his vision blurred and everything went black.

Jaune looked around only to see the house burned down, and he could hear screams from inside.

"Jaune! Jaune Help me! Help me! I-I can't get out!" came the terrified voice of Oscar. Jaune then heard a few loud coughs as Oscar banged on the front door, "J-J-Jaune!"

"Oscar!" Jaune cried.

Jaune tried to run toward the house to save Oscar, but something tugged on his leg and he looked down only to see the hand of a dead gang member grab ahold of it, and the blonde knight tried to shake him off but more hands sprung from the ground and held him back.

"You can't save him!"

"He'll burn because of you!"

"Hahahahaha! It's useless! You can't save him blondie!"

Jaune growled in anger as he looked at the dead, "Get the hell off of me!" he cried.

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