Chapter 11: Ashes to Ashes

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"Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it" - Haruki Murakami


Update 8:

This isn't really about the story itself, but about future stories, I have planned out Which I have planned out and I want you all to vote on which one will be published first:

The Soldier & The Knight Pt.1:

An Atlas Soldier and a Knight from Vale walk into a coffee shop, the Knight asks, "How do you take your coffee?" and the specialist said, "Cold and ruthless, like my father,". Winter meets Jaune Arc and her life as well as his changes forever.

In it Together:

After an attack on a Vale town, and the two being separated from their respective groups, Ilia Amitola must put her trust in Jaune Arc if they want to survive the wilds of Vale, but could she really trust a Human?


Team JKRZ is said to be "The Joke of Beacon" and while they have a habit of screwing up in classes, causing mayhem, and destroying Beacon Property, they are still one of Beacon's strongest teams... how is that possible!?

These 3 suggestions will be in a Pole on my FF profile so you can vote there if you wish, But since this is Wattpad, you can also vote in the comments on which one will be written first.

Anyway, thank you all and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night and enjoy this chapter!





On the porch, Oscar and Vernal saw Melissa bleeding badly from her gunshot wound, and Oscar looked down in shock, but Verna snapped him out of it.


Hearing Vernal scream his name took him out of his daze and Oscar looked at Vernal, still with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

Vernal's expression was worried but yet calm, "We need to take her inside and stop the bleeding," He told her, "We need to get her patched up, can you help me lift her into the house?"

Oscar looked at her for a second but then looked back at Melissa and saw the blood leaking from her mouth, and his expression turned fearful and tears began to form in his eyes. Vernal saw him breaking down and set her hand on his shoulder and when she did, he looked back at her.

"We need to do this," She told him, "Or she won't make it,"

Hearing that, Oscar quickly regain as much composure as he could and they quickly lifted her up and moved her inside the house, and she looked at Jaune, seeing him become unhinged...

Jaune kept pounding his fist into the boy's face, and his gloves began to become stained with blood, and then eventually, Jaune stopped and looked down at the young gangbanger, still with an angry expression.

The gangbanger gurgled up blood and looked at Jaune, "P-P-Please... S-Stop..." he said as he coughed out blood onto Jaune's face.

'KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM!' The Beowulf cried

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