Chapter 12: Entering the Web

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"Hatred is nothing but the place where men who can't deal with sadness go." - Godo


@Its_Fr0st: Thank you for your vote!

@Deftkiller2: Thank you for your vote! (A lot of people voted the same on FF). 

@Darknight0271: Yeah, this story is dark, and it's only going to get a lot darker (and sadder) as it progresses.

@Full_Time_Human: Thank you for the vote and I hope you wait because it will come out!

Update 9:

It seems like most of you have voted on "The Soldier & The Knight Pt.1" which actually helps me a lot because I'm still planning out the two other stories, "In It Together" and "JKRZ".

I got really inspired because WinterKnight is one of my favorite ships and I absolutely fell in love with the Plot that I came up with and the planning of each chapter, which unfortunately took my time away from planning the other stories.

I am still going to make these stories, just not as soon as I thought I would, but with "The Soldier & The Knight Pt.1" being the winner, it helps me focus on that story while I plan and refine the other two.

I should also mention that if you read some of my other stories, some will be put on hold due to me feeling somewhat lost on them, they're not abandoned, simply put on hold.

These will be the stories that Are gonna have my main focus due to them being more planned out:


Jaune's Multiverse Madness!



Forever Fall

These stories will be my main focus as well as "The Soldier & The Knight Pt.1" when it's released (still writing and refining the first chapter). And if you're interested, go check out those stories as well!

Anyway, thank you all and I hope you enjoy today's Chapter!





A week had passed since Melissa's death and the burning of the farm, and right now in a clearing just a few miles outside the nearest town, Vernal and Oscar were training with their weapons.

After they had left the farm, Oscar wanted a weapon since, and when they went to another Mecha-shift shop, Oscar wanted a sword, and he looked through the swords and picked one. The tassel was a dark green color, the grip of the sword was wrapped in bright orange ribbon, the guard was square-like and was black with dark green markings on it, the fuller of the blade was black while the edges of the blade were dark green.

Once he got his sword, he wanted his Aura unlocked and Jaune agreed and unlocked his like he did Vernal, and when Oscar's aura was unlocked it was a nice dark green color, and with a weapon and his aura unlocked, Jaune and Vernal both agreed to train him and Oscar thanked them

In the clearing, Oscar was thrown to the other side of the clearing and he fell hard onto the ground but didn't let go of his sword.

Vernal looked over to him with her daggers at the ready, "Come on Oscar, is that all you got?" Vernal asked with a smile.

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