Chapter 28: So Close, Yet So Far

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Worked another closing Shift today, so I'm posting this late, however, I want to wish you all a Happy Halloween and be safe! Love you guys! Enjoy the Chapter!







Deery slowly opened her eyes and the rays of the sun hit her eyes, realizing she wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, she got up, stretched out her arms, and yawned before she looked around the room and noticed that Jaune wasn't on the floor. Her brow raised in confusion, wondering where he was, but remembered that he must have woken up early and was no doubt working with Tai. So she quickly got up and got dressed and walked out of the room and then quickly to the backyard, where she first saw Zwei watching something. When she followed the Dog's line of sight, she saw the most amazing sight before her.

In the backyard, Jaune and Tai were having a friendly spar, if you could even call it that, as it was clear that they were both engrossed in the spar, it was as if the only things that existed around the two were the other, and all their focus was on their opponent.

Jaune swung at Tai, but the older man backed up and dodged the attack, before he stepped forward and delivered a blow to Jaune's arm, causing the young knight to groan in pain. Jaune pulled his sword back and then slashed at the older blonde, however, Tai avoided the attack by mere inches, he then ducked and kicked Jaune's feet from under him and the blonde fell onto the floor. Tai spun around before facing Jaune again and he planned on stomping on the young knight, but Jaune rolled to the side and quickly got up and tried to stab him in the leg, but Tai, seeing the attack coming, backflipped just as Jaune thrust forward and missed his target.

Deery was in shock, Tai was simply fighting with his fist and no weapon whatsoever, while Jaune was as aggressive and vicious as his fight against Bane and Ilia, both were skilled, and she found it amazing that Jaune was able to keep up with an older and more skilled huntsmen such as Tai, who specialized in close quarters combat.

"Kid's pretty good, I don't think I've ever seen anyone last that long with Tai next to Firecracker,"

Deery jumped at the new voice and turned only to see Qrow standing there, however, he was covered in a few bandages and seemed to be still healing from whatever wounds he suffered from.

"Who are you!?" Deery cried with shock.

Qrow looked at her with a smile, "Name's Qrow, nice to meet ya kid, but the better question is why Nick's son is here?" Qrow asked, "Gotta admit that he had really gotten a lot better, but I shouldn't have expected less from the guy that took down a whole gang by himself," Qrow said.

Last I saw him he was leaving Raven's camp,"

Jaune ducked under a punch and then quickly delivered a slash across Tai's torso, however, the cut was so shallow that it simply cut his clothes and caused slight bleeding. Tai was shocked by him cutting through his aura but smiled and then went for a high kick to Jaune's left, however, the knight blocked the kick with his shield and went in for another slash but Tai avoided it and then managed to strike Jaune in the face, however, it seemed to unfazed Jaune as he tried to go in for another strike, but Tai bent backward and avoided the blade.

As Tai ducked, Jaune saw Deery, but that's when he noticed another person standing next to her, and he was struck with a memory...

Qrow smiled when he looked at Jaune, "Well, I'll be damned," Qrow said, "You do look just like your father," Qrow said.

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