Chapter 14: You are my...

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@LucasEmiya: Thank you for the comments

@SirWiskers: Jaune does have his Semblance. His Semblance is still pretty much the same but it will change/evolve in the future because of the changes he is going through.

@nightmares_nightmare: Thank you!

@Knightguard09: Yep! Most of them were pretty dark to begin with!

@AntonioRush7: Thank you!

@Its_Fr0st: She did indeed, but hey, at least she realized her mistakes and wanted to fix them, i expected her to be another "Cinder".

@444TheNumber4: Read it, it's good! Also yes, most were dark and rather scary and were rewritten to be more light-hearted, and thanks to Disney, most are familiar with the light-hearted versions of the fairy tales.



So... the ending of Volume 9 Happened and I learned something new about the Ever After and the Brother Gods... And, now, I have to rework the ending of the story slightly to Include the new information as well as the Curious Cat and the Jabberwalker.

Look I know it might seem early to discuss the ending of this story despite us not even being close to it, but trust me, if you want a good ending to this story, that would try to make sense of how Salem (And the brothers) are going to be defeated/killed, trust me, I have to work with the information CRWBY has blessed me with.

That being said, man oh man, Volume 9 was awesome and the ending was rather beautiful in a way. (Fucking still wish Jaune kept the hair and Armor though! But Imma fix that when the time comes!)

Anyway, here's another chapter of me, putting these characters through physical and emotional torture for your entertainment! ENJOY!





He ran through the alleys of southern Mistral, ducking behind trash cans and leaping over fences. Every time he thought he had lost them, they would appear out of nowhere, their eyes fixed on him like a predator on its prey. Jaune knew he couldn't keep running forever, he needed to find a place to lay low, but where?

He frantically looked around, his heart pounding in his chest. Suddenly, he saw a small opening in the wall. It was just big enough for him to squeeze through.

Without hesitation, Jaune dashed towards it and squeezed his way through, on the other side, he found himself in a dark, narrow passage that smelled of mildew and rust. He could hear the footsteps of spiders gangsters outside, but they seemed to be fading away.

Jaune breathed a sigh of relief and let himself relax for a moment. That's when he heard something else, a faint sound of someone's breathing. He froze, his hand instinctively reaching for his weapon.

As he cautiously crept forward, he saw two of Malachite's men. They were standing there, smoking and laughing, completely unaware of his presence, they appeared to be looking for him, but didn't expect him to be right behind them.

However, He couldn't let them get away with it. His job was to take out as many of them as he could while away from the others. 

He drew his sword and once he did, he thought back to Vernal words from the previous night. 

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