Chapter I

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PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU START! There is a trigger warning for this story as it mentions self harm and eating disorders! i will put a tw on each chapter of what it includes if need be. This chapter includes brief self harm and SA mention. This story also includes some vulgar language. Also my apologies if i use bad grammar they don't teach it as good as they used to and if i make any typos/misspell words just know i have fat thumbs and this is typed on an iphone 7. (feel free to correct me and i'll try to change it)

Denki's POV:

I wake up at about 7:45 and school starts at 8:10. It takes me about 5 minutes to get to class so i have about 20 minutes to get ready and it usually takes me 30, just my luck. I brush my teeth and hair then haphazardly throw in my uniform and look at the clock, "SHIT it's 8:07 i'm gonna be late!" I internally scream at myself as i grab my bag and start speed walking to class.

Shinso's POV:

I'm walking down the hall of UA as usual but today i'm walking past 1-C and too class 1-A. Mr. Aizawa (my legal guardian ever since my mom died last year) finally convinced principal Nezu to let me transfer into the hero course after months of trying. I'm super excited because i'm going to be able to chase my dreams of becoming a hero, but not too excited to have to introduce myself in front of the whole class.

All of a sudden I see a cute looking boy with yellow hair with a black zigzag speed walking towards me-wait no he stoped... and opened the door to 1-A. "oh no," I thought, "I can't be having a attractive boy in my class when I need to focus on becoming a hero!" I gulp as I open the big door and look around the class.

"-Getting a new stude- Oh, here he is now," Mr. Aizawa says to the class, "Why don't you introduce yourself?" Great, just what I didn't what to do "Hello my name is Hitoshi Shinso," I told the class that was starring holes into me like a slice of swiss cheese, "Shinso you sit next to Kaminari. Kaminari can you raise your hand please?" The cute boy from earlier raised his hand "Wow isn't this is ironic?" I thought and went to sit next to him. Now that i got a closer look I recognized him for the sports festival. I think he's the one with the electric quirk.

(idk the seating chart just go with it)

Denki's POV:

OH MY GOD THIS MANS IS SO FINE I'M GONNA SHIT MYSELF! AND HE SITS NEXT TO ME OH MY LORD I AM SO GAY! Well, i'm actually bisexual but Jesus Christ this man is gonna make me gay. Shinso walks over to the empty desk next to mine. It's been empty ever since Mineta got expelled for attempting to sexually assault Tsu which, luckily, he did not successfully do.

Once I see Shinso up close he looks even more attractive than before. He is sporting chipped black nail polish he also has some sexy eyebags. His sleeves are just short enough to see one of those chunky rubber bracelets that the emos wore in the 2000's that read "Sleeping With Sirens," I could also make out a few of what appeared to be self harm scars on his wrist, poor boy, I do the same thing on my thighs so I know how it feels having the horrible urge to hurt yourself. Spoiler alert, it sucks ass.

Mr. Aizawa starts tapping at his computer and sighs, "I had an online lesson planned for today but it seems the internet is down, you may use this time to talk amongst yourselves or do work from other teachers," he said, a few students cheering about not having to do work, I almost immediately turn to Shinso.

"Hi i'm Denki Kaminari!" I say excitedly.

"Your the one with the electricity quirk right?" Wow straight to talking about quirks.

"Yeah that's me, yours is brainwash right?"

"Yeah it is actually how did you know?"

"I remembered from the sports festival!"

"Oh, ok," he says and fiddles with his rings. I love me a man who wears rings.

Jirou comes over and starts talking to Shinso, "Omg I saw your bracelet you like Sleeping With Sirens?!?"

"My bracelet? Oh yeah my bracelet, I love Sleeping With Sirens they're like my second favorite band after Get Scared"

"WAIT REALLY?!? I LOVE GET SCARED!!" I then space out rather than listen to them talk about music forever. Everyone has to learn the hard way to never start a music conversation with Jirou, they take eons.

a/n i have a bracelet like that lol also you can pry emo shinso from my cold dead hands

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