Chapter XXII

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Denki's POV:

I woke up the next morning on my pillow of a boyfriend who was already awake, "Morning love," he said playing with my hair, I love when he dose that it feels nice,
"Morning," I yawn rubbing my eyes. I look around for a clock and see one on the mantle above an electric fire place that wasn't lit, 9:48 it read. I must have slept like eleven hours. Jeez. "Denki honey?" Hitoshi says in a soft voice,


"Now that you're up would you mind moving for a few minutes i've had to go to the bathroom over for like an hour and a half,"


I got off of him stretching in the process, I kinda stuck my ass in his face but oh well. Either he really had to pee or I stuck my ass a little to high in the air because he ran to the bathroom fast as lightning as soon as I got up.

Shinso's pov

Denki stood up but in the process he stuck his ass up in the air. Damn. I could feel my face heating up so I stood up and ran to the bathroom. Once I got in there and shut the door I started thinking about just how turned on that made me. Yeah he was just stretching but it was hot. After a few seconds I remembered the reason I was in there and went pee.

Denki's POV:
(sorry for switching sm)

If I turned hitoshi on just by stretching what do you think would happen if I actually tried to turn him on? As i'm debating weather or not I should be mean and tantalize him he walks back into the room and sits down on the couch. I decide right then and there I'm gonna do it.

"What's up?" He says sitting down,

"Uuuuugh I have a cramp in my ankle," I say trying to make my whine sound a bit suggestive, which apparently worked because I looked at Hitoshi to see him there wide eyed, "Here stick up your foot,"
I did what he said then he grabbed my foot and pulled it in like six different directions. I didn't actually have a cramp but if I did that would have felt so good. "What are you a chiropractor?"

He chuckles, "No, feel better?"

"Yeah that felt sooooo goood," I try to sound suggestive again as I lay back on top of him snuggling in. I may or may not have rubbed my you-know-what against his leg once while I was doing so but that's not important.

"Ok am I just horny or are you trying to turn me on?" 

Shit. I got caught. Play it cool Denki you can do this. "No you're just horny," I say rubbing my hand against his chest, "What are we gonna do today?" I asked.

"I don't know, wanna watch movies?"

"What kind of movies?"

"scary ones of course,"


"I like the way you think,"

Hitoshi and I cuddled a bit before we decided that while we were waiting for it to get dark, we were going to go to a haunted corn maze. There was one near by because it was almost halloween, there was also a pumpkin patch right next to it, "Hey it says here on the website there's a pumpkin patch," I say looking up from my phone, "We should get one to carve!"

"I don't either of us should be trusted with sharp objects,"

"Is that a self harm joke?"

"For me yes, you're just clumsy. It's ok though it's cute,"

We both got changed into fresh clothes. Hitoshi wore his usual outfit of black jeans a band tee, today it read "Sleeping With Sirens" on it, a flannel, his jean jacket, and black high-top converse. I, on the other hand, wore my usual outfit of mom jeans, a graphic tee, a flannel, and yellow converse. I would have worn a jacket because it's cold but I really wanted to wear Hitsohi's because it smelt like him, was warm and way too big for me which I loved.

We were sitting at the kitchen island side by side eating some of his delicious pancakes, well, he was, I didn't want any the idea of eating and gaining weight made me feel sick. Hitoshi seemed to have noticed because he said, "You have to eat love,"

I looked at him and smiled then looked back at my plate, "I don't think I can handle it right now," I say frowning.

Hitoshi looks at me sweetly, "Not even one bite?"

I think about my answer, "No. I'm sorry,"

"It's ok love," he says softly. What did I do to deserve a boy this sweet? We sat at the island for a bit while he finished his pancakes then asked if I wanted any coffee. I, of course, said yes because who says no to coffee. While he made us coffee I texted kirishima.

hey dude what's up

nothing much. katsukis
coming over later and
my parents are out of
town so you already
know what's going to
go down 😏





what are you going
to do today?

well i was hoping to
get absolutely railed

see isn't that a gross
text to send? how do you
feel after receiving that

goodbye denki

also good to know
you're a bottom 😉


I put down my phone just as a cup of coffee is placed in front of me. I took a sip and it was so good. Hitoshi sat next I
to me with his coffee, perfect time to be a tease. I put my hand on his knee and slowly run it up and in until my hand is inches away from his you-know-what and start rubbing circles with my thumb. At this point he has stoped drinking his coffee and was just sitting there looking at me.


"Your just gonna act like your hand isn't where it is right now?"

"Yeah, why? You want me to move it?" I slid my hand up a bit farther before taking it off his thigh to take another sip of my coffee. He looked a bit disappointed.

After we finished our coffee we started waking to the corn maze. It wasn't too far away and would only take us about twenty five minutes to get there. We held hands and talked about random teenager shit the whole way there.

a/n: my friend dared me to use one of our vocab words for school in this so lol it was tantalize

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