Chapter XII

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Shinso's POV:

We somehow ended up at the park, the same one we went to only three days ago. We ended up on the playground laying on the floor next to each other again. Denki was once again on my left and we were holding hands again. "Hitoshi," Denki said.

"Yeah Denki?"

"I think I have a crush on you and I don't know what to do about it,"

Oh. My. God.


"Be my boyfriend about it that's what you should do," I said, rather smoothly for how fast my heart is beating right now.

"Is that your way of asking me to date you?" He questioned. 

"Yeah pretty much,"

"Ok then. I guess we're dating now. Your stuck with me. No going back,"

"I'm ok with that,"

We somehow end up on the swings well, swing. Denki's sitting in my lap because we're doing that thing where one person sits forward and one sits backwards and you both swing your legs and you go really high.

(pls say yk what i mean by that💀)

Denki eventually falls off the swing so we decide to go back to the dorms. As soon as we walk into the common room we see the girls hanging on the couches, "Hey lovebirds," Ashido says "Did Iida yell at you guys this morning?"

"What?" Denki says confused,

"Sero told us what you two were getting up to this morning. You must have annoyed your dorm neighbors,"

"Ashido we didn't fuck," I said

"Yeah Mina you know Sero, he makes shit up for fun," Denki added,

"Those are the things two people who had sex would say,"

"Mina stop it, we're leaving,"

"So he really did tell people we fucked," I say after we get into my dorm, "Yeah, good thing he didn't see us on that bridge the other day,"

"We should recreate that,"

"Oh yeah one hundred percent but we should probably lock the door," Denki walked over to the door and twisted the lock, as he was turned around I walked up behind him so when he turned to face me our faces were inches apart.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him aggressively. He kissed me back even harder so I picked him up and shoved him against the wall earning a small wimper, "You like that?"


I kiss down his jawline and neck, "mind if i leave a mark?"

"Of course not,"

And so I do. I suck on his neck hard giving him multiple dark purple marks. I don't want to completely cover him so I go back to kissing him on the lips.

My legs are getting pretty tired from holding him up against the wall for so long so I carry him over to the bed. I throw him down and get on top of him and pin him down as we continue making out. We do this for another thirty-ish minutes until we hear a knock on the door.


"Shit it's Sero again," He says and we hear a metal rattling sound.


"Well we're fucking screwed," I say.

Denki hops up to answer the door and I whisper scream for him not to, "Why," he says as he opens the door, "Hey Sero!"

"Hey Denki, wanna play mario car- OH MY GOD IS THAT A HICKEY?!?"

At Least We're Messed Up Together (Shinkami But They're Both Mentally Ill)Where stories live. Discover now