Chapter XIX

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Denki's POV:

I asked Hitoshi if we could cuddle and he said yes. Cuddling somehow turned into making out but I don't mind. I was pinned down on the bed as Hitoshi gave me even more hickeys. I don't know why it felt so good but it did. I could help but let out a small moan when he sucked on just the right spot. We continue making out for a bit and I even give him a few hickeys.

After our heated make out session we find ourselves laying side by side like at the park, but not. "Hitoshi,"

"Yes darling?"

"I'm thinking about what Sero said,"

"Sero says a lot of things your going to have to be specific,"

"When he asked who was top and who was bottom,"

"Oh ok. Why are you thinking about that?"

"Well I was just thinking if we were to... you know... who would be top?"

"Who do you want to top?"

"I guess you. Only if that's ok with you of course. Also if you tell anyone I'm a bottom i'll slit your throat,"

"Oh wow Denki that's aggressive... for a bottom,"




"DENKI KAMINARI IS A BOTTOM!" he screamed so loud the whole dorm could probably hear.

"What are you then?"

"I'm not a bottom like you,"

"Stop it,"

"Or what? you're gonna call me daddy as a fuck you?"

"...I mean... I'm not exactly against that,"

"HAHAHAHA WHAT THAT WAS A JOKE! But me neither not gonna lie,"

"The day we get alone together is a day I both am looking forward to and fear very much,"

"Yeah like what are we gonna do fuck?"

"Oh my god what if I suck your dick or somthing? I mean that I wouldn't mind doing in the dorms,"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, pretty much anything but actually fucking I don't think I would mind doing in the dorms. I would love to suck your dick but that kinda sounds horrifying not gonna lie. Like what the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"Why are you asking me? I don't know. You'll just have to figure it out y'know? Trial and error style,"

"So what your saying is you want me to suck your dick until I figure out how to do it right?"

"Yeah kind of. I mean only if you want to obviously,"

"Do you mind if I do it right now then?"
Hitoshi turned bright red,

"I guess you can if you want,"

"Take your pants off then," I said also bright red and he did.

Wow. How the fuck am I supposed to fit that in my mouth? I decide to just go for it and sit between Hitoshi's legs putting my head by his... thing. And go for it I do because a few seconds later i've got his dick in my mouth and am licking it and slightly bobbing my head. I'm just doing what I think would feel good as someone with a penis.

After a few minutes I feel confident in what i'm doing and after a few more minutes I feel a warm sensation in the back of my mouth. I figure it out quickly that it's cum. Shit what do I do? Spitters are quitters I guess. I swallow all the warm liquid Hitoshi ever so generously placed into my mouth.

I pull my head up to see a blushing purple boi. "How was that?"

"Are you sure you haven't done that before?"

"Yeah i'm sure, so i'm taking it was good then?"

"Yes it was," Hitoshi said shyly

"Well I made you cum first you know that means your my bitch now right?"


"I did,"

"Oh my god,"

"Wanna cuddle," I said in a whiny baby voice to contrast my "your my bitch now" voice.

"Sure, fine,"
and so cuddle we did. I got tired and eventually fell asleep on top of my Hitoshi.

I woke up sunday morning to the sun in my eyes. Hitoshi tried to get my to eat breakfast again but I only ate a bit. We then binged some old show all day until there was an announcement for us to come to the common room.

sorry i forgot to update for a bit lucky me nobody's reading this

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