Chapter IX

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TW: self harm mention

Shinso's POV:

After me and Denki finished eating pancakes it was around eight o'clock, "I'm still going to go back to bed. You coming?"

Denki looked up from his phone, "Yeah but only if the offer of sleeping on top of you is still a thing, that was hella comfy,"

Of course it was. "Well come on then,"

Once we get back into my dorm I take off my hoodie so I don't get too hot and get into my bed. Denki gets in too and lays half next to me half on top of me.

I fell asleep faster than ever, somthing about Denki is almost like talking melatonin. He makes me sleepy, Wait no i'm always sleepy, I guess he makes me feel safe which makes my brain finally want to sleep.

I wake up and look at my clock 10:49 I took about a almost three hour nap. Apparently Denki didn't because he was laying awake fiddling with the string on the  hoodie I lent him. He must have noticed I was awake because I hear a soft, "Good morning,"

"Good morning again,"

I hear a buzzing noise and Denki picked up his phone, "Hey Mina... Shinso's dorm, why? ...Just borrow Sero's... Ok fine i'll be right there," Denki hung up the phone and sighed, "I have to go charge Mina's phone," he said.

"Dose she not have a charger?"

"She did apparently it broke,"

"So why can't she borrow someone else's?"

"She said she doesn't want too because I can charge faster,"

"That's stupid take her this," I open my top night stand drawer and pull out a box of various chargers and hand it to Denki, "Why do you have all these?"

"I'm middle school people used to bully me for my eye bags and give me chargers as a joke so I could "charge my batteries" so now I have all these,"

"That's horrible, I'm gonna take these to Mina and then leave. I'll be back in a few,"

Denki's POV:

I grab Hitoshi's box of chargers and head to Mina's room to see her and the girls lounging around, I give her the box of charges and walk out. Damn did that feel good to do and not have to charge her phone the way I usually would, sticking my finger nail in the charger hole. I head back to Hitoshi's room.

Mina's POV:

I'm chilling with the girls when I realize my charger isn't working so I call my personal charger, "Hey Denki where are you?... Can you come charge my phone... I can't Sero's not awake yet... YAY THANKS!" Denki hung up the phone and came into my room about five minutes later.

"What's in the box Denks?"

"I'm sure you can find a charger that works in there," he says and then he leaves. I open the box to find at least twenty chargers for all different kinds of phones and find one that is compatible with mine. I plug it in and sigh, "I wish he would just charge it himself it would be faster."

Shinso's POV:

Denki walks back into my room a few minutes later. While he was gone my phone got a notification from my favorite theater's app that read, "TODAY ONLY SILENT MOVIE: THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTER DAM"

"Hey you wanna go to this movie? It's a silent movie over in the old theater on second street,"

"How old even is that theater?"

"Pretty old, wanna go?"

"Sure what time?"

"The latest showing is always the best to go to because there's less people, it starts at eight which means we should leave at seven-thirty and be back just by curfew at eleven,"

"Alright let's go,"

We sit in my room for a bit and Denki is looking trough my cds while I read "OMG I LOVE FALL OUT BOY!" I look over to see him holding the cd I put my blade in and pray he doesn't open it. He obviously dose and I start to panic, he pauses and says "No more of that," He takes the blade and puts it in his pocket, "I'm confiscating this," I have more but decide not to tell him that.

At Least We're Messed Up Together (Shinkami But They're Both Mentally Ill)Where stories live. Discover now