Chapter XX

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TW: eating disorder mention

a/n i stoped writing this for a while so sorry if there's a plot hole or two i did read what i previously wrote but i'm forgetful.

Denki's POV:

Once me and Hitoshi got to the common room we see Mr. Aizawa and principal Nezu, "Oh fuck they found out about the party didn't they?" Mina whispers to me. After everyone gets here Mr. Aizawa gathers our attention, "There have been multiple breaks in pipes below both the dorms and the school due to the weather so we have to send you all home for a few weeks, all the teachers have to stay though. If anyone can't go home for some reason i'm sure you can find a friend to stay with if not you can stay at my house with Shinso who will be there,"

"How come Shinso will be there?" Hagakure asked.

Mr. Aizawa stared at her, "You do know i'm his legal guardian right?"

"NO! WHAT?!?" the whole class flipped out.

"Alright everyone calm down it's not that big of a deal," Hitoshi said casually.

Mr. Aizawa continued, "As I was saying is there anyone who needs a place to stay?"

I look down at the date on my phone, October 29, shit, my mom and her sister are going to be away for a few weeks. They do this every year and my 5 brothers and sisters and I usually stay at our grandparents or a friends house. Hitoshi IS my boyFRIEND so that works, "I can't stay at my house actually, my mom is going away with my aunt and i'm not allowed to be home alone,"

Shinso's POV:

Oh. My. God. He did not just make up an excuse to be home alone with me. I wonder why he can't be home alone. As i'm thinking of reasons why I hear Aizawa say, "Ok Kaminari, Anyone else?" There was silence, "Ok class go grab the things you'll need for the next two weeks, no need to grab school supplies as classes are canceled. Here Shinso," He hands me a key to his house. The house my boyfriend and I are going to be alone in. For two weeks. This is going to be fun.

We head to our dorms and grab our stuff. I get my toothbrush and other hygienic stuff and some clothes and shove it all in a bag. I consider taking a razor blade but decided against it, Denki will be there, I can't.  I call him and he answers,
"Hey Hitoshi,"

"You ready to go?"

"Almost, meet me in my dorm then we'll go,"

"Ok goodbye love, see you in a few"


I walk to his dorm and once he's ready we head to Aizawa's. "I didn't know Aizawa was your dad, I mean you guys do have the same eyebags,"

"He's not my dad he's my guardian, my fucking father left the day he found out my mom was pregnant and as you know she's not exactly, ya know, alive,"

"Oh sorry,"

"It's ok love,"

"Love. Thats cute,"

"Just like you,"

"Damn that was smooth,"

Denki's pov:

Once we get to Mr. Aizawa's house Hitoshi unlocks the door and we take of our shoes as we step into a small room with hallway into a kitchen straight ahead, a bathroom and laundry room of to the right and stairs and a living room of to the left. I hear a faint meow and see a cat walking in our direction, my boyfriend then drops everything for this cat except he didn't drop it he handed three heavy ass bags to me, two were mine one was his, when I was already carrying one and i'm apparently tiny so I almost fall over. He picks up the cat, oh my god it's so cute, "This is Wednesday," he says stroking the black cat, "She's a bitch," the cat meowed angrily, "See?"

"Yeah," I chuckle, "Where should we put these?" I ask holding the bags. He puts down Wednesday and grabs three of them, "I would say put them in my room but we should probably put them in the guest room just in case Aizawa comes home, you can sleep in my room though so we can cuddle,"
"Sounds good lead the way,"

He leads me up the stairs and there's a bathroom to the right and a hallway to the left. He leads me down the hallway to the room at the end and sets two of the bags down, I set down the one i'm carrying in then I follow him out of that room and back down the hallway to another room. He opens the door and I could tell it was his room. The walls were decorated with tons of posters from bands and horror movies I don't know and the bedsheets were black and there was a ouija board blanket folded at the end of the bed. There was a dresser and a desk and a walk in closet with some black clothes in it. There was also a black and purple cat tree and a night stand.

He walked into the closet and threw down his bag as I sat on his bed, he then walked to the window and opened the black curtains with skulls on them to let in the late afternoon sunlight, "Your room is so emo,"

"I'm taking that as a compliment so thank you,"

"It was one so you're welcome," I said as he sat down on the bed and gave me a quick kiss. 

"I'm kinda hungry are you?" he asked.

"No not really,"

"You aren't taking those pills anymore are you?" I look down at my feet and sigh.

"Yeah I am," Hitoshi lays back on the bed,

"Well stop. You're perfect the way you are you don't have to be skinny to be attractive,"

"It's not that I just want my parents not to nag on me about being fat all the time. It didn't even work that much the stupid pills only made me lose 25 pounds," I said annoyed while laying back on his bed with him.

"Do you have them with you?" he asked,

"No, I knew you would take them,"

"Smart boy, now come on," he said getting up,

"Where are we going?"


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