Chapter XVII

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Warning underage drinking
Denki's POV:

We ended up in a circle playing truth, dare, drink. I'm sitting in between Hitoshi and Jirou. The people there include Me, Hitoshi, Mina, Kiri, Sero, Bakugo, Momo, Jiirou, Midoriya, Todoroki, Uraraka, and Tsu.

The way the game works is just like truth or dare but if you don't want to do a dare you take one shot and if you don't want to answer a truth you take two. You can only choose drink after you pick truth or dare and the person tells you what the truth/dare is.

Mina goes first because it was her idea, "Momo, truth or dare?"


"Do you have a crush on Todoroki?"

"No, Sero, truth or dare?"


"Confess to your crush no matter if they're in the room or not,"

"Yeah i'm not doing that," Sero grabs a shot and takes it then looks at Hitoshi, "Shinso, truth or dare?"

oh no Toshi don't ask Sero for a truth you'll end up drinking

"When you and Denki fucked who was top?"

"We actually didn't fuck believe it or not,"

"Sure you didn't,"

"Jirou truth or dare?"


"Lick Bakugo's Foot"

The whole room went silent for a bit until Bakugo spoke up, "Jirou take the shot i'm not letting you lick my foot," She took the shot the asked Bakugo truth or dare and he picked truth, "Would you let Kirishima lick your feet?"



"Put makeup remover on your neck, I wanna see if you actually have a hickey,"

"I don't have makeup remover," I said

"I DO!" Momo yelled excitedly, great.

Momo went upstairs and got some makeup remover and a towel. When she got back and handed it to me I put the remover on the towel and rubbed off the concealer Tsu put on my neck this morning. "Jesus Christ Shinso are you a vampire?!?" Jirou asked

"No i'm not i'm just emo i'm considering this a hate crime,"

I asked Ochocko and she said truth. I asked her if she liked Midoriya and she ended up taking the shots. It went on like that for about 7 turns people choosing truth and being asked if they like people. Most said no, some took shots. On the seventh turn after mine Mina asked Todoroki if he liked Midoriya and he said yes. "No I mean like have a crush on him,"

"I know,"

"Your admitting to having a crush just like that,"

"Yeah pretty much,"

A few more boring turns went by until Tsu asked me and I said dare, "Show us the other hickeys,"

"THE OTHERS," Mina screeched, "THERES MORE?" I pulled down the collar of my shirt show the rest of the hickeys, "Jeez count fagula," Bakugo said.

"Ha ha very funny,"

The game went on for a while and these were the interesting turns: Todoroki was dared to go in the closet with Midoriya and only come out once they had done somthing. They both came out five minutes later with hickeys and looking a bit disheveled.

Kiri was asked between him and Bakugo who was top. Hehe Bakubottom.

Jirou was dared to put her face in Momos boobs which she took a shot for.

Tsu was dared to make out with Midoriya to make Todoroki jealous. She ended up taking a shot.

Shinso was dared to chug a bottle of vodka for ten seconds. We're probably gonna end up crashing here because of how drunk He's gonna be because he also took quite a few shots from dares he didn't want to do.

"Denki I dare you to make out with Shinso for thirty seconds right now,"

We made out while everyone watched and it felt very weird to have people watching.

After a few more rounds everyone decided we were done with that game. Everyone was at least a bit tipsy. Ochocko, Midoriya, Todoroki, and I we're pretty drunk. Hitoshi and Bakugo were completely wasted. Momo and Kiri were the least drunk.

We all crashed at Momo's house in her somthing-teen spare bedrooms. Most of us shared, the pairs were, Midoriya and Todoroki, Hitoshi and I, Kiri and Bakugo, Sero and Mina both had their own rooms, Ochocko and Tsu. Momo slept in her room with Jirou.

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