Chapter XXI

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TW eating disorder

Denki's pov:

I am currently being practically drug down the stairs in Mr. Aizawa's house by my boyfriend so I can go eat. I really don't want to eat. I ate this morning and I try to only eat one meal or not at all. I know it's not exactly heathy but it's what I have to do so that the next time I see my parents they don't get mad at me.

Once i've been dragged back to where we walked in the house he walked down the hallway into the kitchen, only then could I see there was also a dining room and another living room in addition to the one you could see of to the left when you walked in, "Wait do you have two living rooms?"

"No, just one that other room is the parlor get it right,"

"What in the 1800's is this shit,"

"Stop dissing the house man she's offended," he says in a sarcastic tone,

"Oh sorry," I say as I kiss the doorframe that leads into the kitchen as we walk in, "Better?"

"I can't believe you would cheat on me with a house," Hitoshi says jokingly as rolls his eyes and I chuckle. I love his dumb jokes... and everything else about him. I think I might love him. No. I do love him. I'm in love with Hitoshi Shinso. It feels so right to think those words.

"Hello? Earth to Denki," I'm brought out of my cheesy thoughts by Hitoshi waving his hand in my face. 

"Oh sorry I spaced out,"

"It's ok, I asked if you wanted to call for pizza, Aizawa left money," He said holding up a 20 dollar bill. 

"Yeah ok if you insist on me eating that sounds good," He pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials a number to order the pizza.

While we were waiting we sat down on the couch in the living room and Hitoshi turned on the tv, "What do you want to watch?" he asked.

"I don't know, how about The Adams Family you seem like you'd like that show," I glance at the cat, "and the theme song is stuck in my head,"

"Ok, we have that on DVD," he said getting up and walking to a book shelf in the corner and leaning down to grab the DVD off the bottom shelf,

"Nice ass," I said, I couldn't help myself.

"Thanks, yours is pretty nice too,"

"Thanks babe," I say as he slips the DVD in the player and presses play on episode one. It's kind of cold in the house so I cuddle up to him wrapping the cold fingers on my right hand around his left. "Are you cold?" he asked,

"Yeah I always am I don't know why,"

"Probably because you aren't getting enough vitamins or something. I'll grab a blanket though, be right back," he said, paused the show, and walked off to get a blanket. I look at my phone to see that Kirishima texted me.

hey dude what's up

are you gonna respond man

dude r u and shinso fucking rn you would usually have responded by now

dude what the fuck i'm
not on my phone for an
hour and you think i'm
fucking someone

who are you sero?


Hitoshi walked back into the room with his ouija board blanket with Wednesday following him. He practically tucked me in then got under the blanket himself and hit play on the tv.  After a few minutes the pizza arrived and we ate. I had a little more than I would have liked to but it was very good. After we were done I started to cuddle up to him but heard a aggressive meow and looked up to see his cat walking right to where I was gonna put my head and laying down, "Hey you little fuck that's MY boyfriend, scram," I say as I pick up the cat and place her on the ground laying my head down on Hitoshi's chest and snuggling up close.

Shinso's pov:

I'm sitting on the couch with the cutest thing ever on top of me and am watching him instead of the show. I start to play with his hair and think about how much I like him. He's just so perfect. He is just so wonderful.  His personality is like sunshine and I wasn't lying when I said he had a nice butt. He's really hot... and lovable. I've known deep down for a few days I was in love with him but i'm only really thinking about it just now.

I can tell he's starting to fall asleep so I turn off the tv and continue to play with his hair. He was laying on my chest so I tilted my head down and kissed his cheek, "Goodnight sweetheart, I love you,"
It's too soon what if I weirded him out and he breaks up with me!?!

A million different scenarios are running through my head but soon stop when I hear a soft, sleepy, "I love you too, night 'toshi,"
oh thank god.

I soon fell asleep to Denki's soft snores and slept all night. I didn't wake up until the next morning.

At Least We're Messed Up Together (Shinkami But They're Both Mentally Ill)Where stories live. Discover now