Chapter X

314 12 11

TW: Self harm and eating disorders

Denki's POV:

I took Shinso's razor blade out of the cd case. I'm sure he has more so I wouldn't really be doing anything but I took it anyways. After I leave his room I walk out back, break it in half and throw it into the dumpster.

I go back inside and as I do I see the squad hanging out in the common room, "Hey Kami we were thinking about going to the arcade you down?" Kirishima asked.

"I have plans sorry guys," I say.

As I walk away I hear Jirou speak up, "Why would you invite him? He's literally the reason I don't sit with you guys at lunch he's so annoying," Annoying huh. I've heard that one many times before but I never thought i'd hear it come from Jirou.

As soon as i get back to my room I pull out the dumb pocket knife and take off my jeans that I had changed back into in Hitoshi's dorm bathroom. I finish the word stupid and do the entirety of annoying and make a few normal cuts. I clean the knife and take of all of my remaining clothes then get in the shower.

I wanted more pain but didn't want to bleed out so I turn the water on the hottest setting and put my legs under. It stings and burns and I love it. I decide I should actually take a shower while i'm in here so I do. I wash and condition my hair and wash my body.

After I get out I get ready to go on my date with Hitoshi. Wait did I say date? It's not a date we're just friends going to the movies as friends. Friends who hold hands and sleep on top of each other. It's not a date, if it was a date he would have said so.

Even though it's not a date I like him so i'm still gonna dress up. I decide to wear my mom jeans and a black graphic tee with a cute cartoon skeleton on it, I know Hitoshi would like it because of his whole emo thing he's got going on. I tuck in the shirt and put on a belt and some jewelry to accessorize. I throw on a green flannel and my white high top converse and head to my bathroom to put on a small amount of eyeliner. Bakugo and Mina spent like 2 hours teaching me how to do that. 

Shinso's POV:

I totally just asked Denki on a date. I didn't mean to but now that I think about it going to the movies dose sound pretty date-like. But it's not a date because I didn't ask him if he wanted to go on a date I asked if he wanted to go to the movies.

I take a shower and get ready. I'm dressed in a Bring Me The Horizon shirt, black jeans, my jean jacket, and my black high top converse. When I put on my jacket I almost die, it smells like Denki because he wore it last night. I'm too much of a simp for this. After I'm ready I eat dinner and read until it's time to go.

I head to Denki's dorm just to see him walking out of his door, "OH MY GOD! Oh hey Hitoshi you scared the living shit out of me,"

"Just like teenagers scare Gerard,"

"Wait what? Who's Gerard?"

"Never mind you didn't get the reference,"

"Oh ok, we'll come on we have a movie to get to,"

(a/n if you get the reference ily)

"Are you to going on a date?" Mina says with a smirk when we get to the common room, "No Mina we're just going to see a movie," Denki says. I wish it was
"Sounds like a date to me,"

"I can see why she thought it was a date," I say after we get outside, "Yeah Shin your right going to the movies is a pretty stereotypical date idea,"

As we're walking to the movies I notice some dark clouds rolling in, "Looks like a storm is coming, hopefully it's done by the time the movie is over,"

"Yeah getting caught in the rain would not be very fun,"

When we get to the movies I ask Denki if he wants any snacks, "I can't i'm on a diet,"

"Why are you on a diet? Your like ninety pounds,"

"Yeah and I still look fat,"

"I'm getting you popcorn and you better eat it,"

We hear the storm start outside as we find our seats. The movie starts and about 20 minutes in the screen goes black and one light on the ceiling of the theater comes on as an usher walks in, "Can I have everyone's attention please? Unfortunately the storm has knocked out our power so we will not be able to show the rest of this movie. Our generator only has about 20 minutes of charge and lights only a few lights so we have to ask you all to leave. I am very sorry for the inconvenience,"

"Well that's just great," I say and stand up to leave giving my hand to Denki to help him up.

Once we leave the theater we find it to be poring, "Oh shit our phones are going to get wet,"
"No they aren't," I pull out the empty plastic bag i've had for a few months out of my pocket, "I don't even remember what was in here but give me your phone,"
Denki gives me his phone and I put it in the bag with my own.

We start running back to the dorms but decide to take a break on the covered walking bridge over the river. We're both laughing like idiots. Denki is laughing so much he falls over right into my arms.

He looks so cute and... kissable. Before I can stop my self i'm cupping his cheek in my hand and kissing him... on the lips... i'm kissing him... shit. Almost as soon as our lips touch I pull away, "I'M SO SORRY I SHOULD HAVE ASKED FIRST I'M SUCH A DUMBA-" I'm cut off by Denki grabbing me by the shirt and kissing me back.

"It's ok I didn't mind," he wraps his arms around my neck, "You could do it again if you want," he whispers softly, and so I do.

I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss him softly, enjoying every moment of it. He kisses me back harder and I pin him against one of the pillars holding up the bridge. We somehow end up eating each others faces on the bridge and after a few minutes of making out Denki pulls away, "Omg Hitoshi I need to breath," he chuckles.


"It's ok, we should probably get back though,"

We run back to the dorms and once we get there and get to his dorm we are soaked and freezing, "My clothes are soaked!" Denki practically yells. 

"It's ok we can get them off," Denki stares at me wide eyed, "WAIT NO NOT LIKE THAT!"

"Whatever you say Shin,"

"We should probably change though we don't want to get hypothermia now do we?"

"No I guess not, go change then come back so we can watch a movie like we planned," he adds in a whisper, "and maybe cuddle,"

"What was that last bit?" I say with a smirk.


"Sure. I'll be right back,"

I give Denki his phone back and go to my dorm to peal off my wet clothes. I throw on my favorite My Chemical Romance hoodie and some sweats then head back to Denki's dorm.

a/n i hope you know that almost every time shinso is wearing band merch it's because i'm wearing it at the time of writing the chapter

At Least We're Messed Up Together (Shinkami But They're Both Mentally Ill)Where stories live. Discover now