Chapter II

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Shinso's POV:

The lunch bell finally rings cutting off Jirou who somehow ended up talking about the Gerard Way and Bert McCracken drama and Kaminari comes up to me, "Hey wanna sit with me and my friends?!" he says excitedly, "I guess," "GREAT!" We walk to the cafeteria, get our lunches and sit down at a table with the kid who won the sports festival, Bakugo I think, a pink girl, a boy with red hair, and a boy with odd looking elbows due to his quirk. "GUYS I GOT US A NEW FRIEND!" he then whispered somthing into the pink girl's ear.

Denki's POV:

"GUYS I GOT US A NEW FRIEND!" I practically yelled then whispered in Mina's ear "and he's hot too," she snickered as we sat down. "What are you guys' names?" Shinso asked the group and sero responded "I'm Hanta Sero, that's our queen Mina," Mina waved , "That's Kirishima, and that's explosion boy," Bakugo's hands started sparking, "SORRY, SORRY, that's Bakugo, don't piss him off,"
"Alright then," Shinso said.
"Shinso what are your pronouns? Just gotta make sure," Mina asked, "He/they, what about you guys?"
"I WANNA DO WHAT SERO DID!" Kirishima  exclaimed, "Mine are he/him, Mina's are she/her, Sero's are they/he, both Denki's and Katsuki's are he/they!"
"Ok," Shinso said


Shinso's POV:

After lunch the wifi was fixed so we had to learn some dumb algebra. After school I went to my new dorm in the 1-A building, changed into a pair of black pants and a Pierce The Veil shirt but made sure to put on a arm warmer to cover my scars. I hate those scars, even though I did them myself  ever time I look at them I want to do it again.

I know it's an unhealthy coping mechanism but I can't help it, it's one of the only things that helped to take away some of the stress surrounding the death of my mother. I miss her so much. I almost start to look for the razor blade but I take a deep breath and start unpacking my stuff.

I unpacked my clothes first, folding my pants and t-shirts (mostly band tees) and putting them in drawers and hanging my hoodies, nice shirts, jackets, and my uniforms in the closet. I laughed thinking about how they are in the closet just like my gay ass. Then I hear a knock at my door. 

Denki's POV:
I've only known Shinso for a day and Mina is already trying to set us up. "BUT YOU THINK HE'S HOT AND YA'LL WOULD BE SO CUTE!!"



"FINE!" I practically ran away from Mina and to Shinso's dorm, his dorm is what used to be the empty one next to bakugo.
He better have some loud headphones because i've heard from poor Shoji, him and Kiri make a lot noise when they "study" together.

Before I know it i'm knocking on Shinso's door and he opens it, "Oh hey Kaminari, did you need somthing?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out in my dorm and play mario cart on my wii?"

"I was unpacking but yeah sure, that can wait,"

"Cool! Come on!"

Once we get to my dorm we sit down on my bed and start playing mario cart which we play for about three hours and I don't win one round, "I'm sick of getting my ass kicked, wanna watch a movie?" I ask Shinso who says yes and I pull out my laptop and open netflix.

We end up watching The Nightmare Before Christmas because I hadn't ever seen it and Shinso said I had to see it at least once in my life. About three quarters of the way through the movie I looked over to see shinso completely out and let out a small chuckle. After the movie is over it's about 10:30 pm. I turn off my laptop and the light and kinda snuggle up to Shinso, who is still asleep, but that's ok because it's a friday so we are allowed to have sleepovers. I fall asleep quickly to the sound of Shinso's soft, soothing breathing. Yeah, this crush is gonna be a problem.

a/n: see that krbk I slipped in there? 😏

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