Chapter XV

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Denki's POV:

When we get to the training grounds Mr. Aizawa explains what we're doing, "Today you will be paired up into groups of two. You will be fighting with your partner while I watch so I can give you feedback. Because there's only one of me and twenty of you only one group can go at a time. I have already picked partners for you. I have labeled the seats on those bleachers with your names and numbers so go sit in those seats,"

We all go to sit in our seats and I'm on the end of a row sitting next to my partner which is Shoji. He's talking to Tsu about animal crossing as i'm spacing out wishing I could be talking to Hitoshi.

Four rows behind me on the other end is where my boyfriend is sitting talking to Tokoyami. They're probably talking about emo music or somthing. I decide to take out my phone and text him.

hey hot stuff

shin <3:
hey cutie what's up

i miss you

shin <3:
denki honey we're in the same room

too far

After training we went back to the locker room and changed. I stared at Hitoshi's ass quite a bit and he definitely saw me because he asked "Like what you see there Denks?" I did indeed like what I saw.

The when we were done changing we went back to our dorms, showered and did our homework. Then I texted Hitoshi that I missed him and we ended up hanging out in Shin's dorm cuddling and watching a movie then getting bored and making out. It was a pretty heated make out session no gonna lie.

I was laying on Hitoshi's chest as we watched some dumb movie, "This is boring wanna make out?"

"Sure, why not?"

"I didn't expect you to agree to that,"

"Well I did are we gonna make out or what?"


I kissed him and he kissed me back, he ran his tongue against my bottom lip like they do in wattpad fanfictions so I parted my lips and let him shove his tongue in my mouth. I licked the inside of his mouth and he tasted like coffee and cinnamon. We continue fo eat each others faces for a few minutes until Hitoshi flips us over to where I am no longer laying on him to where he has me pinned down, "Can you give me another hickey please?" I ask, "Not in a noticeable spot though,"

Shinso kisses down my neck and then slips off my shirt and starts kissing my collarbone and gives me three more huge hickeys on my collarbones and chest making me slightly whimper at the feeling. We continue to make out for about an hour and a half then I head back to my dorm and go to bed.

The next morning I wake up early, get ready and have Tsu cover the hickey on my neck and in the process she saw the other ones, "You really are dating a vampire, aren't you?"

We went to school, sat through boring classes and did our training. The rest of the week went on the exact same until friday when I heard news. News of a party.

a/n not denki breaking the fourth wall smh

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