Chapter XIV

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Shinso's POV:

I wake up the next morning and get ready for school. We have training today and I'm so excited. We sit through a few normal lessons that were actually quite a bit easier than the ones we had in 1-C. This was probably due to the fact most hero course kids are never going to use the information.

I stared at Denki almost the whole class, "What a cutie," I thought to myself as I returned to my math sheet. It was some dumb ass fucking algebra.
12x + 13
—————————— = 74
times 2
minus 13
divide by 12
x equals 11.25
I think x equals 11.25

(a/n i did math for this guys)

Even though it was easier than the lessons I was previously learning I still suck at math. Science and History are the only subjects i'm actually good and and I guess i'm ok in English.

(it'd technically be Japanese but whatever)

Once we get done with classes and eat lunch (Denki and I ate alone on the roof because I didn't want to socialize with the asswholes he calls friends) we head to the locker rooms to change, "Oh shit," I thought, "Everyone is going to see my arm and they're gonna tell Aizawa and then he's gonna send me to a mental hospital, I CAN'T GO TO A MENTAL HOSPITAL I HAVE TO TRAIN TO BE A HERO" Denki notices me panicking.

"Don't worry there's only 12 lockers in a section, there are 14 boys and just our luck we have our own section no one will see," he whispers,

"Dose that mean you used to share with Mineta?" I whisper back,

"No when we picked lockers he picked section three because he didn't want anyone to see his "baby nuggets,"" he said putting air quotes on the words baby nuggets, "Mr. Aizawa told me to show you where yours was because it was next to mine,"

"Wait a fucking second, baby nuggets?"

"Mineta's words not mine. I just say nuts like a normal person,"

"Stop talking before I punch you in you baby nuggets," after I whispered this Denki started laughing super loud.

We were walking in the back of the crowd, most people were either not talking or having quiet conversations so everyone turned to look when Denki started dying of laughter, "Kaminari are you ok?" Midoriya said, "Yeah i'm totally fine Hitoshi just said something that caught me off guard," Denki replied, out of breath for laughing so much.

"Oooooo what did he say? Somthing about the sex you had yesterday afternoon?" Sero chimed in.

"We didn't have sex Sero," I said in a annoyed tone, "Sero didn't you say Denki had a hickey? Where's it at?" Midoriya asked,


"If he was you could most likely tell so if he is whoever did it is really good at makeup,"


Denki's POV:

"TSU HELP ME! ARE YOU GOOD AT MAKEUP? PLEASE SAY YOUR ARE I NEED HELP!" It was almost time for me to leave for school and I couldn't cover this damn hickey! It was much darker then last night because it had bruised more.
"Woah Kaminari calm down. What do you need help with?" I look both ways down the hall to make sure no one is there then take off my scarf, "Oh my are you dating a vampire? I mean Shinso is pretty pale..."

"Who said I was dating Shinso? Also he's not that pale"

"Oh are you not?"

"No I am but who said that? It was Sero wasn't it?"

"Of course it was Sero. Now come in so I can help,"


"No problem ribbit,"

"How come you asked me for help? Mina is probably better at makeup then me," Tsu asked as she covered the huge mark on my neck,

"Yeah but she's Mina aka Queen Gossip. Jirou and Hagakure would tell Mina and Momo and Uraraka were to busy,"

"That makes sense,"

After Tsu made my neck look like normal we were almost late so we made plans to wake up early tomorrow to cover it.


Shinso's POV:

Once we get to the locker room Denki shows me where my locker is. We started changing for training and I may or may not have been looking at Denki most of that time. He was looking at me to though I know this because he was not subtle. I let him know this information as we walk to where Aizawa instructed us to, "OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY!" he apologized,

"It's ok I wouldn't have noticed if i wasn't looking at you, did you enjoy the view?" I say in a flirtatious tone.

Denki blushed, "Yeah I did, hopefully I can see it again,"

"After training when we change again you can," I added in a whisper, "I could also show you again later if you would like"

Denki turned bright red and choked slightly, "Hitoshi you need to stop making me bi panic all the time,"

At Least We're Messed Up Together (Shinkami But They're Both Mentally Ill)Where stories live. Discover now