Chapter XIII

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Denki's POV:

I'm making out with Hitoshi when I hear a knock on my door, it's Sero. I go to answer it but Hitoshi tells me not to. I do it anyways, "Hey Sero!"

"Hey Denki, wanna play mario car- OH MY GOD IS THAT A HICKEY?!?"


I don't know what to do or say so I just slam the door in his face. I hear him yelling something from the other side of the door about telling the whole class about us fucking but ignore it, "Nice one kitten," Hitoshi says in a sarcastic tone, "Gee than- wait a mother fucking second, did you just call me kitten?"

"Yeah I did, I can stop if you want,"

"Please don't stop i've always wanted to have a hot boyfriend who calls me kitten,"

"Your weird,"

"Shut up. I'm gonna call you babe then,"

"Whatever," he rolls his eyes and looks away but I can tell he's blushing.

A few minutes later i'm in my bathroom trying to cover up the "love bites" on my neck. It kind of hurt when he gave them too me but felt so goddamn good at the same time.

I hear my phone get a text from the other room where Hitoshi is, "Hey babe can you see who texted me?"

"It's a group chat called "the best class" it was Sero who texted he said "I went to go ask Denki if he wanted to play mario cart and when he opened his door he had a huge hickey, probably from Mr. purple emo man, then he slammed the door in my face because I pointed it out" basically he told what I'm assuming is all of 1-A about your hickey. I'm also assuming i'm Mr. purple emo man"

Oh no not the class group chat! "You better add yourself to that group chat so you can defend yourself and because your in the class now, my password is 1027,"

"Ok done. Oh wow everyone is flipping out. Probably because they got a notification you added me after he said that,"

I finished putting makeup on my neck and sat down next to Hitoshi on my bed and pick up my phone.

Sero my bro:
I went to go ask Denki if he wanted to play mario cart and when he opened his door he had a huge hickey, probably from Mr. purple emo man, then he slammed the door in my face because I pointed it out

         you added shin <3

Queen Mina:

Ooo yuh get it Kaminari

I actually almost pissed my pants when he added him. That was very funny to me.

I can confirm he almost peed himself I was sitting next to him.

Cheese man:
That's gay

That is in fact gay.

Kirishima the bro:
thats so gay

shut up your gay

Queen Mina:

shinso that sounds like something a gay person would say

hmm i wonder the fuck why

did this man just come out?

no but it was implied

Boom boi:
why the fuck are you blowing up my phone
also deku you owe me ten bucks


I bet that he was ace 😔

yeah no i'm gay as fuck. men am i right?

I added shinso to this
chat so he could defend
himself not come out smh

i got bored

Mood. One time I was bored so I told my  dad I was gay and he grounded me for two weeks.

are you actually gay tho?

damn midoriya down bad

kaminari respectfully stfu

Sero my bro:
so circling back to the whole denki and shinso def did the do situation...

first of all no we didn't. second of all why are you so interested on who's in denki's pants? you jealous or smthn?

Sero do I need to make you some ice fro that burn?

boom boi:
If anyone else said that it would be dumb but hearing that out of fucking icyhot is actually funny as shit.

sero my bro has left the chat

he really just left like that.

probably cause you were right 😐☝️

"Omg babe how's it feel to have your man be wanted?!?" I say in a sarcastic tone, "I don't know he never really confirmed or denied it,"

"Yeah I guess he didn't, wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure, as long as I get cuddles," and so that's exactly what we did. We watched The Princess Bride and cuddled until it was time for dinner.

After we ate we went to our separate dorm rooms because it was a school night and we had to be in our own dorms. We ended up facetiming until we had to go to bed.

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