Chapter XXIII

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one of the things i put in here is very similar to another fanfic i got inspo from but i don't remember the name i think it was a kiribaku fic so shout out to whoever wrote that

Denki's POV:

Once we got to the corn maze we walk up to the ticket booth hand in hand. Hitoshi says that he will pay for both our tickets, "No way man you paid for our tickets when we went to the movies! Let me pay this time," I said annoyed. I wish he would let me pay, he shouldn't spend his money on some dumbass like me. "Fine Denki you can pay but we're stopping by the convenience store to get snacks for our movie later and i'm paying then," I smile happy he will let me pay for him and pay the eight dollars for two four dollar student tickets.

We enter the maze and right off the bat are lost. It's not really even that interesting. When I say it was a haunted corn maze I don't mean like a haunted house with scare actors and spooky props, I mean like two people claimed to have seen ghosts in the field. It was just a normal corn maze.

It was a kinda hard one. Ok yeah it was hard we've been in here for three hours and we can't even hear the music we're supposed to hear at the half way point, "Hitoshi I think we're lost," I say worried, "What if we die in here?"

He chuckles,"I don't think we're going to die in here love, they count how many people enter and exist. Then at the end of the day if the numbers don't match up they look for people," He says reassuringly, reaching out for my hand, "Jesus Denki your hands are freezing," He exclaims letting go of my hand to take his jacket off, boom, now that's how you steal your boyfriends jacket.

He hands me the jacket and I put it on and damn it's cozy, "Hitoshi your jacket is soooOoooOoo warm," I did that thing where I kinda moan again because i'm evil. "Stop teasing me before I rail you in this goddamn corn field,"

"Sorry," I took his hand and kept walking through the maze. That was all until I tripped over a branch and fell flat on my face, "Denki are you ok?!?" My boyfriend asked concerned.

"Yeah, as you said I am pretty clumsy," I laughed as Hitoshi reached out his hand to help me up, "Thanks for helping me up,"

"Of course," He kept hold of my hand as we kept walking.

We finally heard the soundtrack from some Tim Burton movie I couldn't remember the name of signaling that we were halfway through the maze, "Yay Hitoshi we made it half way!,"

"Hell yeah we did," He grabbed me by the waist and kissed me softly, his lips were warm and soft against my cool, chapped ones. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kept kissing for a few minutes, his tongue licked my lips and I opened my mouth a bit to let it in. We continued to eat each other's faces before I pulled away and asked, "Hitoshi can I tell you something?"

"Yes love of course,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too Denki," I could feel my heart flutter. Last night I think we had said I love you but I wasn't sure because I was so tired, "And as much as I love you Denki we can't keep making out we have to get out of this damn corn,"

"Oh yeah,"

Once we got out of the corn it was almost seven o'clock and there was a merch table that had all sorts of thing on it that said "I survived the haunted corn maze" on the back. None of the stuff was really my style but Hitoshi bought a black hoodie with purple text on it. I would definitely be stealing it when I got cold later.

After we left we walked into a small convenience store to get snacks for when we watch our scary movies. Hitoshi picks out some microwave popcorn and energy drinks so we could stay up late watching movies. I picked up a box of sweets and started looking for the calorie count, "What are you looking for?" Hitoshi asks confused.

"How many calories are in these," he grabs the box out of my hand.

"Doesn't matter," He says and starts walking towards the front when he stops all of a sudden, I almost run into him.

"Why'd you stop?"

"Do you think we'll need anything from this section?"

He asks nervously pointing at the sign that said what was in it,
Paper Products
Feminine Hygiene Products
I glance at him and back at the sign. Then back at him. Then back at the sign. Then I walk down the isle.

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