Chapter XI

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TW: self harm mention

Denki's POV:

I really don't want to sleep in pants, I hate sleeping in pants but I don't want Hitoshi to see my legs. Fuck it. I put on some shorts and a hoodie then heard a knock on my door. I open it to a sleepy looking Hitoshi who I let in and he closes the door behind him.

"Sorry you have to see my legs i'm most likely going to fall asleep during the movie and I didn't want to sleep in pants," I apologized.

"Why are you saying sorry? it's just your legs,"

"You don't care? And your not going to judge me?"

"Of course I don't care and I would never judge you," At this comment I start to tear up, "Are you crying?!? What did I do?!?"

I hugged him tightly, "It's ok these are happy tears because ever since middle school every time someone saw my thighs they would judge me, you didn't do that, you've been so kind to me,"

We stayed in that position for a few minutes until I said, "Are we gonna watch that movie or what?"

"You know it, what are we watching?"

"Wanna watch Coraline?"

"Fuck yeah I love Coraline,"

We sit on my bed under the covers to watch the movie, "We're cuddling deal with it," Hitoshi says as he pulls me onto his chest and starts playing with my hair. I'm in such a state of bisexual panic that I can barely watch the movie. I eventually fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning, a monday, and am extremely thankful we have the day off so the teachers can have staff meetings or whatever. I'm laying on my very comfy pillow that is actually just Hitoshi.

After a few minutes I hear a soft, "Morning Denks,"

"Denks?" I chuckle,

"Yeah, Denks,"

We lay there cuddling for a few minutes until I hear a knock on my door and muffled yelling from the other side, "DENKI BRO WAKE UP COME PLAY MARIO CART WITH ME!"

"Sero go away," I mumble into Hitoshi's chest. I then here a metal rattling noise, oh shit, Sero had opened the door and is now looking at me and Hitoshi cuddling, "Oh sorry, did I interrupt something?" he said in a confused voice, "Yeah you interrupted me and Kaminari sleeping dipshit," Hitoshi said in a rude tone.

"Sorry, sorry, i'll leave,"

After he left I said, "You know he's gonna tell the whole squad we're fucking now right?"

"Why would he do that?"

"He's Sero," Just after I said that my phone got a call from Kiri. I answered and put it on speaker, "Hey Kirishima,"

"Are you and Shinso actually together or is that just Sero being the gossiper he is?"

"What did he say?" I look at Hitoshi with a tired expression on my face, "He said he walked in on you two... you know,"

"Ha I wish, we were just sleeping in the same bed," Hitoshi looks at me and smirks, "Oh ok, bye Denki!"

"Bye Kiri,"

After I hang up I look at Hitoshi who is staring at me, "What?" I asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You wish?"

"Huh?" I think back to my conversation with Kiri, "OH SHIT I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT IN FRONT OF YOU,"

Hitoshi grabbed my chin a put his face about three inches from mine and whispered, "We can make that wish come true if you'd like," then let my chin go and went back to his usual self and began scrolling through his phone

"Woah, woah, woah, are we just going to ignore the fact you just offered to fuck me?!?"


"No we're not,"

"We're not what,"

"We're not gonna ignore that you said,"

"I didn't say anything,"



"I can't with you right now,"

At Least We're Messed Up Together (Shinkami But They're Both Mentally Ill)Where stories live. Discover now