Chapter VII

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TW: talk of self harm

Shinso's POV:

We walk to the park talking about random things like videos games we like or bad movies we've seen, just like friends though I wish we were more. I don't even know where to start describing the way I feel about Kaminari, he's just so... perfect.

I've thought he was extremely attractive ever since I saw him for the first time at the sports festival. How could you not he has beautiful eyes and soft looking hair and a smile that could light up the whole room. And now that I've gotten to know him even though it's only been a few days I know that his personality is so bright and wonderful and full of energy.

I'm currently watching the way he smiles as I tell him stupid jokes that aren't even funny.

We somehow end up at a coffee shop near the park instead of the park itself. We step inside and walk to the counter, "What do you want? I'll pay," He says as he starts to pull out his wallet.

"No way it was my idea to come here," I say and push his wallet back into his pocket.

He pulls it out again, "And it was my idea to go to the park,"

"We're not even at the park yet,"

"OK AND? I'm paying deal with it,"

"No your no-"

"Are you two gonna order? your holding up the line," I look away from Kaminari to see a annoyed looking barista, "Yeah sorry," I say.

We end up giving the barista both cards and made him pick who paid, he picked Kaminari, damn it. I got a iced latte with five extra shots and Kami got some Frappuccino made out of pure chocolate and sugar. Once we got our coffee and left it was almost 5:30 so we decided we should get to the park.

Once we got there I saw that, luckily, there were none of those small gremlins called children. Kami ran straight to the swings and hopped on one. I eventually mosey over and sit on the one next to him and he smiles at me, "Well... what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, this was your idea,"

Kaminari is silent for a moment before he says, "Let's talk about life. Like be all deep and cryptic and shit,"

"Ok..?" Kami gets up, moves to the playground and lyes on his back, i'm assuming to be more "cryptic" as he says.

"Do you ever feel..." he starts,

"Kaminari if this is about to be a Katy Perry reference I swear to god-"

"HAHA NO IT'S NOT I SWEAR! Anyways as I was saying, do you ever feel like your friends don't actually want to be your friends?"

I pause for a moment, "I've never really had friends because everyone is usually scared of me because my quirk so I suppose not. Why? Do you feel that way? Do I need to punch someone?"

"WHAT?!? NO PLEASE DON'T PUNCH ANYONE! It's just that... the squad, all they ever do is make fun of me. They say things like 'he's so stupid,'or, 'loser can't even use his quirk,' and it never used to get to me but as time went on I started believing those things more and more. Hanging out with you is like a breath of fresh air because you don't make me hate myself,"

"...So what your saying is you so called friends make you hate yourself? If they make you feel that way then you are NOT friends," I put emphasis on the word not to get my point across.

"Well in that case your the only real friend i've had, all the other have made me want to just shrivel up and die," he sighs, "Or play fruit ninja on my thighs,"

"...fruit ninja? What do you mean?" I say confused, "Isn't that the game where you cut the fru- oh."

"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have told you that! Please don't tell Aizawa, he'll tell my parents and the-"

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. To be honest i've had a very nice game of fruit ninja on my arm,"

We both pause for a second and I feel a cold piece of flesh touch my hand, which I soon recognize to be Kaminari's hand. I opened my palm and he placed his hand in mine, "Your hand is freezing, why didn't you bring a jacket?" I look over at a shivering Denki.

"I didn't know it would be cold,"

"Kaminari it's october," I sit up and let go of his hand to take off my jean jacket, "Here, don't want you to get hypothermia now do we?" My arm is showing and for once, I don't care.

At Least We're Messed Up Together (Shinkami But They're Both Mentally Ill)Where stories live. Discover now