Chapter XVI

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Shinso's POV:

After school on friday me and Denki where in my dorm sitting on my bed side by side with our backs the the wall chatting, "Did you hear Momo is throwing a party?"

"No. Are you gonna go?"

"Only if you'll be there,"

"I don't know Denki... is there going to be alcohol?"

"Dose that change the answer?"


"Well in that case yes, Todoroki figured out a way to order it online with his dads credit card,"

"Ok then i'll go,"

Denki paused for a moment in shock.


"No drinking is another one of my bad coping mechanisms. After my mom died I lost my way to get it though. She always had it,"

"Oh I didn't know about your mom i'm sorry,"

"It's fine. So when is that party?" I asked to change the subject. I really don't like talking about my mom.

"Tonight actually, let's see it's about five and the party starts at eight to about three hours from now. We should probably leave at seven to get there on time, her house is pretty far,"

"What about curfew?"

"That only applies if your out. If your at someone's house you can stay all night on weekends,"

"I think that's different from

"It is I don't know why,"

Denki left my dorm to go change for the party and I changed into black jeans, a shirt that said "The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus" (one of my favorite bands) a grey flannel and my black converse. Denki wore his signature outfit of mom jeans, a graphic tee (which today had Bart Simpson on it) and a flannel with a pair of converse. I threw on my jean jacket so I wouldn't get cold on the way, "Your not bringing a jacket?"

"No, I doubt i'll get cold and if I do i'll just steal yours,"

We held hands all the way to the party (that we somehow ended up being 20 minutes late to) and didn't let go once we got there. Damn I knew Momo had money but I didn't know she was this loaded.

"Who's all supposed to be here anyways?" I ask Denki as we a walk up,

"Just 1-A but probably not everyone is going to come,"

We get to the door and knock, Jirou answers, "Hey guys," she says and motions is into the house. We followed her into a huge living room area, "Guys Shinso and Denki are finally here," She said,

"And their holding hands," Sero added

"Sero shut the fuck up," Denki said

"Now that they're here can we play it?" Mina asked

"Play what?" Denki and I said in unison.

"Truth, dare, drink,"

At Least We're Messed Up Together (Shinkami But They're Both Mentally Ill)Where stories live. Discover now