Chapter V

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Shinso's POV:

After I got back from Kaminari's room I immediately start panicking. What if he saw my arm? If he did is he going to tell anyone? Is he going to tell Aizawa? Is he going to make fun of me or worse, pity me?

I ask myself these questions as I continue the unpacking from last night. I unpack all my books and put them on the shelf. I then unpacked all of my records and cds i've collected over the years and put those on the shelf as well. I stop when I get to the cd it's in, "A Flair For The Dramatic" and open it.

I took the razor blade out from behinds the cd and hold it in my hand. I put down the case and pulled down my arm warmer, having not yet changed from last night. "Just a few," I thought as I drug the blade across my forearm four times before I was satisfied. It hurt, of course, but at the same time felt so good and calmed my nerves.

I look at the clock to see it's about 1:47 so I cleaned my arm and the blade and put it back, but into a different cd this time, "From Under The Cork Tree" so if someone were to figure me out and find it they wouldn't know where to look next time.

I grabbed my record player and put on my copy of "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love" while I finished unpacking. At two o'clock I decide to text Kaminari.

hey i'm almost done unpacking if you still wanted to go to the park

sounds good! when do
you want to meet?

how about we meet at my dorm at four then head to the park

that's perfect. see you then shin!

see you then


What the fuck? thats cute.

Oh no.

That's cute.

At Least We're Messed Up Together (Shinkami But They're Both Mentally Ill)Where stories live. Discover now