Chapter VIII

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TW: Mention of self harm and eating disorders

Denki's POV:

I make a bold move and grab Shinso's warm hand with my freezing one, damn I wish a brought a jacket. Before I know it Shinso is taking off his jacket and handing it to me. I take it and put it on, it's so warm and smells like Shinso which I love.

We lay back down and I go back to grab his hand but rub my hand against his arm on the way there and feel many bumps. I'm laying on his right and the bumps are most likely scars so I ask, "Are you left handed? Sorry I shouldn't have asked that question,"

"I am left handed how did you know?" He says in a sarcastic tone.

We laid there holding hands in a comfortable silence for what seemed like hours. Shinso rubbed his thumb on mine and it was very soothing.

"Hey Kami it's getting pretty late we should get back before Aizawa gets mad,"

"...Wait, Kami? Where did that come from?"

"Where did Shin come from?"

"Haha very funny," I say sarcastically, "just call me Denki,"

"Ok Denki, just call me Hitoshi then,"


"Oh fuck me in the ass," I consider responding "When?" to this but decide to just be quiet and start walking back to the dorms.

Once we get back to the dorms it almost 45 minutes past curfew so we have to sneak in. We almost get caught twice and end up in Hitoshi's dorm, "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure, you can pick,"

Hitoshi ends up picking out a horror movie. I fucking despise horror movies. I'm a little scaredy cat so about 15 minutes in i'm already hid under the cover cuddled up to Hitoshi, hopping he doesn't mind.

I must have eventually fallen asleep because I wake up to a sleeping Hitoshi and the sun through the window right in my eye.

A few minutes later it must have hit Hitoshi in the eyes too because I hear a groan and "What the fuck is the shitty dumbass sun waking me up for?" and I chuckle.

"You sound like bakugo,"

"I hate him,"

"How come?"

"What you told me at the park last night, anyone who's mean to you I don't like,"

"valid point,"

"I'm goin back to sleep," Hitoshi says as he closes the curtains, "Feel free to sleep on top of me again,"

"Oh no did I? I'm sorry my fat ass must have squished you,"

"What do you mean? You came nowhere close to squishing me your so light. And don't say that about yourself,"

"It's true,"

"Who said?"

"My mom, my dad, most of my other family, the squad when I ate a whole foot long from subway, the list goes on,"

"Your not fat though?"

"What do you mean? OMG IT'S WORKING"

"Whats working?"

"The appetite suppressors I've been taking! They make me not hungry so I don't eat as much,"

"Denki when was the last time you ate?"

"Friday at lunch, why?"

"Yeah no i'm not going back to sleep, i'm making you food and your gonna eat it,"

"I'm not hungry,"

"Tough luck," He puts on a black hoodie over the clothes he was wearing yesterday  except he changed the jeans into sweats.

I had done the same thing because only psychos sleep in jeans but had to tie the string tight because they were his. I also took off his jacket because as I said only psychos sleep in jeans. I also took off my flannel.

His bed was so warm the room felt like Antartica "It's cold," I said, "Here," Hitoshi threw me a hoodie with words on it that read "Motionless In White" I assumed it was a band he liked and put it on. "Come on," I followed him to the kitchen and he started cooking while I scrolled through Instagram.

Apparently Kirishima, Bakugo and Sero went out last night. I wasn't Invited of course, that used to invite me everywhere, they made fun of me of course but at least I was involved. I'm brought out of the sad thoughts by a plate of chocolate chip pancakes being plopped down in front of me. There was a lot. Far Too much. If I are this I think I would gain 30 pounds.

Hitoshi looked over at me starting down the pancakes, "Eat them," he said and so I did and they were SO good, and I mean grandma level good, "These are so good where did you learn to make them?"

"My grandma taught me,"

"I like your grandma,"

It was the first time I ate a full meal in almost three weeks and didn't puke it up. Hitoshi has helped me so much and he doesn't even know it.

At Least We're Messed Up Together (Shinkami But They're Both Mentally Ill)Where stories live. Discover now