Chapter XXIV

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Shinso's POV:

"Do you think we'll need anything from this section?"

I am now standing with my boyfriend in a convenience store in front of a shelf of condoms. Under his breath I hear him say, "Holy fuck there's different sizes," I laugh quietly

"Yeah there's sizes you didn't know? I mean i've never had any experience with this type of thing but I knew there were sizes," I pause for a moment then ask, "What one do we get?"

"Depends who's wearing them," Denki says bluntly. I pick up a box of ones my size, hand them to Denki, and wink.

After we check out our things, both of us red as cherry tomatoes and the cool punk guy who owns the store we were in laughed at us, we headed back home.

Once we got back home I made the popcorn while Denki went to change into something "more comfy" as he called it. I could tell he was trying to make me horny like he had been all day when he came back in one of my hoodies and booty shorts. And damn did that shit work, "Holy shit Denki," He looked at me like he didn't know what was going on.
"What?" He said plainly.

"Never mind,"

We decided to watch the movies in my room so we could be in a cozy warm bed so I pull out my laptop and put on one of my favorite slasher films, the first movie in the Friday the Thirteenth series and put my laptop on the desk in front of the bed. About half way through the movie I started getting distracted by Denki rubbing his hand up and down my inner thigh going higher up each time. He really did know how to turn me on. I was laying on my back and he was laying on his side on my left and I may or may not have had my hand on his asscheek.

Denki's POV:

After about five minutes of me rubbing Hitoshi's thigh I was getting tired of watching the movie. I was kinda wanting to get it on if you know what I mean. So I whispered in his ear in the sexiest voice I could muster, "This movie is boring how about we do somthing else?"

"Something else like what?" he asked nervously.

"Something else like this," I then kissed him roughly.

"Sounds good to me,"He then flipped us to were he was on top of me and we started to make out.

He pinned both my hands to the bed above my head with one of his, using the other one for balance as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. His mouth tasted like coffee and energy drinks like it always dose. We continued to make out and after about ten minutes I could feel myself getting hard. I pulled back from our kiss, "Hitoshi look what you've done to me," I whined.

He leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Sorry love but look what you've done to me,"

I looked down at his hard cock and smiled, "Guess we're gonna need those things we bought,"

"Yeah probably, only if you want to though," he said, not wanting to pressure me into anything.

"I do want to, now where did you put them?"

"Um... I left them downstairs, I'll be right back," And with that he left the room.

Once he got back he put the box on the night stand then got back on top of me and continued our heated make out session. In between kisses he slipped my hoodie up and off then took his shirt off. We somehow ended up with Hitoshi just in his underwear and me in my shorts, which I wasn't wearing anything underneath.

Hitoshi pulled away, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

He asked and I nodded, "Yes i'm sure are you?"

"Yes but I have to admit i'm a bit nervous,"

"I am too it's ok," I grabbed one of the condoms out of the box and handed it to him.

"Here," He took of his underwear and put it on. While he was doing that I took off my shorts, "You ready?" He asked

"Yes, are you?" He nodded nervously,

"Hey it's gonna be ok," I cupped his face in hand.

"Yeah I know I just don't want to accidentally hurt you," Oh my god he's so sweet.

"You won't it's fine," he nodded.

He moved my legs apart and lined himself up with my ass, "Ready?" he asked, "Yes," he slowly pushed himself in and to be honest it kind of hurt but I soon got used to it. He rocked his hips back and forth at a steady pace and I let out a small whimper and buried my face in the crook of his neck. Wow. This is... wow.

"Go harder," I said and he compiled to my request. I didn't mean to but I let out a loud moan.

"Oh dose that feel good?" Hitoshi said in a teasing manner, "Shut u-ohmygod," He chucked and went faster and harder.

After a short while I felt like I was about to burst, "I'm so close," I breathed out.

"Me too, together?"

"Of course," and just like that we were lying on the bed, which had some suspicious white stuff and a used condom on it, breathing heavily.

At Least We're Messed Up Together (Shinkami But They're Both Mentally Ill)Where stories live. Discover now