Chapter III

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Shinso's POV:

I wake up to the sound of soft snores and a warm feeling on my side. I look around and think "this isn't my dorm," then I remember that i'm in Kaminari's room and realize that that warm feeling is him, cuddled up next to me, sound asleep. "Cute," I think as I move my hand to stroke his hair. I don't remember when I fell asleep but I must have at some point because it's 9:06am, it's saturday. I haven't really been able to fall asleep until two or three in the morning lately due to my insomnia. I take medication for it, it doesn't work. I live off of an average of four and a half hours of sleep a night, coffee, and energy drinks.

As i'm wondering how I fell asleep I feel a shift in the bed next to me, "oh shit, he's awake, he's gonna know that we were practically cuddling! What if he gets weirded out and doesn't want to be friends anymore? What if-" I'm brought out of my thoughts with a soft, sleepy "mornin shin," 

"Good morning Kaminari, how did you sleep?"

Denki's POV:

"Good morning Kaminari, how did you sleep?" Shinso said in an extremely attractive morning voice that was slightly more deep and raspy than his normal one, it made me get butterflies the second he spoke.

"Good, you?" I manage to squeak out.

"Better than I usually do, most of the time I can only get to bed at one," he let out a small chuckle, "Anyways I better get going, I do have unpacking to do," he said with a smile as he gracefully flipped the covers off of him and got out of the bed. As he did so the covers kind of pulled up his arm warmer, revealing scars and even some newer cuts on his arm. He quickly pulled it back into place though and started walking to the door looking embarrassed.

"Wait," I exclaimed, "Do you want to hang out at the park later?"

"Kaminari you know i have to unpack," he sighed.

"Just text me when you're done!"

"I don't have your number though," he said, waving his phone in his hand.

I stole his phone out of his hand and put my number in then texted myself "hey sexy" and smiled, "Now you do,"

"Alright then i'll text you when i'm done unpacking," and then he left. HE SAID HE'D TEXT ME WHEN HE'S DONE!!! THAT'S A YES FUCK YEAH! I internally cheered and texted Mina to tell her everything that happened.

Almost the second I texted her she was in my room begging for details, which, I didn't have many of because we just hung out as bros. I left out the cuddling part though and most everything afterwards. Mina told me to get dressed and come to the common room to play Clue with the squad, Jirou, Momo, Midoryia, and Todoroki. Now if you know clue you may be thinking, "That's too many people there's only six pieces," well, not the way we play.

I get dressed in a t-shirt, a oversized flannel with the sleeves rolled up, and blue jeans with holes in the knees and one on my right thigh, I make sure to tuck in the shirt to cover the countless scars on my thighs from years past and sigh.

To accessorize I put on one of those black belts with the holes, tons of bracelets, and necklaces. I slip on my yellow high-top converse and head to the common area.

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