Chapter XVIII

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Shinso's POV:

I woke up the next morning with a horrible headache and feeling like overall shit. How much did I even drink last night? I don't remember anything after about ten. Denki's laying next to me as I look at my phone to see that it's just after seven am and about twenty notifications of people tagging me in their snapchat storys.

I don't even know how they all got my snap. Denki added me by phone number and I guess that made me pop up in everyone's recommendations.

There were a few posts of people doing crazy stuff. I was in a few of the posts but one caught my eye. It was a video of me and Denki... making out. Great now everyone definitely knows about us.

I looked around and took in my surroundings. I wouldn't have known where I was if it wasn't for the same gold flower print wallpaper that was everywhere in the house.

I feel a shuffle next to me. Oh no. I soon realize it's Denki. Thank god it's Denki. I thought it might have been someone else and I would have never been able to forgive myself.

"Morning Hito- oh my are you ok? You don't look to hot. I mean you do look hot but you look a bit sickly," Denki says with a yawn,

"Hangover," I put my face into a pillow and groaned, "Yeah you did drink quite a bit last night, I'm not surprised your hungover," Denki softly kissed my forehead and whispered in my ear, "I don't think you should do that anymore,"

"Me neither,"

A few minutes later Denki and I were laying there with him stroking my hair when Momo came in, "Guys we have a major problem!"

"What is it?" Denki asked sitting up,

"My parents are coming home early and are going to be here in 45 minutes!"

"Oh shit,"

We all make our way downstairs and start to clean up all the shit we trashed last night. Then we all left. That's that and I barely remember it. Remember how I said I used to drink as a bad coping mechanism? Yeah well that's because it makes me black out. I don't remember anything.

We end up not going back to the dorms but to Kirishima's house. He practically passed out ibuprofen to almost everyone because we were all hung over. We all sat around and played some weird kind of clue. Denki insisted on me being Mr. Plum and I won. I've always been good at clue.

After the game we head back to the dorms and head our separate ways. Denki walked me too my dorm because he said he wanted to talk to me. no no no no no. If this is what I think it is i'm gonna cry. "I don't think you should drink anymore Shin," oh thank god.

"I agree with you,"

"I don't like how you are when your drunk so can you promise me you won't,"

"I promise,"

"Can we cuddle?"

"Of course kitten,"

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