Prologue - The three till death do us parts

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I don't remember when I came to be.

As old as I am, I do remember watching Gilgamesh die before my eyes, sobbing for me to give him back his immortality.

I was unable to.

I watched civilizations rise and fall.

I watched my friends pass away.

It's lonely being immortal.

I watch people grow; I watch people pass away.

Relatives beg me to heal them.

I can't.

Then, when I pick up a new book.

"Till death do us part."

Words form around me, and the line in particular forces itself into my throat. I choke on it, and I fall down with the worst sickness I have had since I became immortal. No one nurses me back to health; I simply live with it.

My sickness leaves me after the plague does.

I say my first marriage vows to a pirate I chose to marry.

"Till death do us part."

A gentle glow had erupted from my kiss, and from then on, he had been invincible.

Nothing could pierce his skin.

He takes me around the world, and for a second, I get to breathe.

"For you, mi esposa." He hands me a book. Gold rim, hand-crafted cover made of wood. It was pretty.

A blank book.

To me, the renaissance was worthless without him.

In 1689, he succumbs to sickness, and I steer clear of people.

Rumors of his wife being an ability user spreads through Europe, and I flee.

Human death was part of life, I had just hoped that he might've lived longer since I had blessed him.

China's a single nation this time around.

I'll stay just to breathe.

Two hundred years pass, and I become Empress for a brief moment.

"I'll give you the world," He presses his forehead to mine. "My father may be against it, but the dowager empress isn't. I'll make sure we happen."

I had foolishly believed him.

"Till death do us part." I had mumbled under my breath after the wedding.

He becomes unkillable again.

My words are a curse.

The dowager empress tries to use me to make her immortal. 

The concubines in the palace tug and pull at my brown hair, curious to how a foreigner like me had made it so far in China.

"When I die," The emperor mumbles into my hair one night. "Flee the palace."

The emperor dies, and I run.

Immortality is cursed.

People crave to live forever, forgetting about how foul it is.

People want something they don't have.

Japan is final stop.

An Oiran.

It wasn't by choice.

They had just kidnapped me and sold me into a brothel.

"Ugh, You're so good for me."

I'm not.

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