Chapter 22 - Page 1

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The news comes quicker in this life.

The ADA are terrorists.

"Your word is my command," Mizuki gets down on one knee in the president's room.

"Mizuki, get up," Fukuzawa reaches to help the woman up.

"Fukuzawa-dono," Mizuki stares up at him, eyes stern. "Your command."

Fukuzawa crouches to be at eye level with her. "I wish for all of us to be safe in this life. That is all."

"And the verdict for the DOA?" Mizuki stares at him.

"... my order hasn't changed. Crush them."

"Your wish is my command," Mizuki smiles. "Take up the request, and then I'll go pick everyone up. Would you like to be first?"

Fukuzawa places both hands on her cheeks, cupping her face. "Make sure everyone else is safe."

"Of course." Mizuki grins, Fukuzawa disappearing before her eyes.

Mizuki sits at the hunting dog's office, holding a teacup to her mouth, newspaper in the other. A pair of round glasses rest on her nose without the lens. A chain dangles from the edge of the glasses to her neck. A white blouse wraps around her figure, and she sports a pair of khakis.

"Yoo-hoo!!" Mizuki sings. "It's time for daycare!"

"Yo stupid detective agency motherfuckers!" Chuuya yells from next to her. "Tantalization's here to pick you all up for daycare!"

Chuuya sends a hail of bullets at the Hunting Dog members, and Mizuki adjusts her wig, jumping off the helicopter. She lands on the ground, smiling as she did so.


She smiles. "Wrong woman."

"Ah," Tanizaki sighs, chuckling. "Tantalization."

Mizuki's eyes shine red, and she smiles. "Welcome, to Anu's paradise. I hope you enjoy your stay."

The members disappear before her eyes.

Tecchou activates his ability, swinging the blade at Mizuki, but she dodges, and Chuuya sends lifts her back up into the helicopter. 

"Where to next?"

"My son." She closes her eyes, a smile on her face. "We're picking up my son, and then the others. Don't take too long, Greed can only last so long as a physical copy of mine."

"Got it, boss," Chuuya chuckles.

"You sound like an old granny," Jouno grumbles, stepping into the room.

"Yeah, yeah, blindie," Mizuki rolls her eyes. "How about you shut up and tell me how sealing Oda went?"

Jouno pauses, the room engulfs with silence, and then he speaks up.


His voice is gentle, and he turns to her, his hands tapping on his thigh.

Mizuki smiles, putting her teacup down.

"You did well," She hums. "It's just a shame; I thought I'd at least get some dick before I left the ADA. How are you so sure I'm not a terrorist?"

Jouno smiles. "Your heartbeat."

"Damn, still trying to crack down my heartbeat pattern, huh?" Mizuki snorts. Folding the newspaper, she places it on the table. Footsteps approach the room.

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