Chapter 27- Page 6 - Anu

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Tachihara feels his lungs burn from the lack of air as he's pulled along by Mizuki. The girl finally pulls him out of the water, and he coughs violently, water pouring out of his mouth. He scans his surroundings; the room, if you could even call it that, is endless. A meadow spreads out in front of him, and he stares at the lake behind him.

"Greed!" Mizuki sings. "Which way is the village?"

"Left, Belatsunat." Greed bows, manifested as a cloud.

"Well, you look awfully put together for a simple greeting." Mizuki teases, walking out the water. "This is my space, correct? Not Anne's room?"

"Yes," Greed nods. "Ah, I'll help him up."

Greed holds a hand out to Tachihara, and he looks uncertain whether or not to take it.

"Don't worry about it," Mizuki smiles. "They're safe to touch."

Greed pulls Tachihara up, and the male looks around. "Ah, my clothes are wet."

"We have plenty in the village," Mizuki smiles. "Welcome to Anu."

Tachihara stares around him.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *. introducing .* :☆゚. ───

─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *. Anu, Mizuki's Domain .* :☆゚. ───

"Is this your domain?"

"I like to call this my version of Anne's room. This was where I rested in Europe."

"I thought Anne's room was Lucy's ability? Was it stolen?"

"Sure," Mizuki shrugs. "The village is that way." 

Greed pats off their skirt.

"Ah, Greed," Mizuki hums. "Does it take up a lot of energy being like this? How about you just transform into your human form?"

"Later," Greed hums. "The president was worried sick about you."

"How cute of Yu-chan," Mizuki smiles cutely. "Though, it's my fault for trapping everyone here immediately upon the news. Do their abilities still work?"

"Yes," Greed smiles. "All abilities are still in tact and can be used."

Tachihara trails behind the two, taking in the green around him. It had such a large contrast with Yokohoma. There were no buildings, and not a single particle of gas rested in the air. He could smell the pine trees across the meadow, and he could hear the gentle wind.

"Taking in the scenery?" Mizuki smiles at Tachihara after realizing he had gone quiet.

"Is... this really where everyone has been resting?"

"The commander and Fyodor are resting in Anne's room. Lucy is living here for the time being." Mizuki beams at the village. 

A silver-haired man stands at the gate.

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