Chapter 3 - Ultra Deduction

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 Mizuki brings the ladle to her mouth. "Oh! It tastes just like how I remember it!"

She fills the bowls, and calls from the kitchen. "Dinner time!"

Ranpo rushes along, pushing the girl with him.

"What's for dinner?"

"Minestra maritata," Mizuki sings. "I thought I'd make something light to go with the rice we're having. Also, since I'm not sure how much solid food Yo-chan can take in right now."

"The soup is good," Fukuzawa hums, taking another sip.

"Yo-chan, do you need help?" Mizuki gets off her seat and moves to sit next to the girl. Ranpo swaps seats with her, and Mizuki helps the girl.

"I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" Mizuki sets the spoon down.

Yosano smiles.

"Kaa-san," Ranpo taps on the table with his fingers. "Can we talk before you go?"

"Of course," Mizuki smiles. "After dinner? Or is it urgent?"

"The stars started aligning," He mumbles, finishing his soup. "Oh, that's good soup."

"How many?"

"Two," Ranpo grins. "Can I have a snack?"

"I bought cake earlier; could you bring it to the table?" Mizuki smiles, eyes closed.

Ranpo skips over to the kitchen.

"Mizuki-sensei," Yosano stutters out.

"You can call me Kaa-san too," Mizuki offers a half-lidded smile.

"Kaa-san," Yosano pauses. "Do you believe in reincarnation?"

Mizuki pauses. "Kind of."

"Ah..." She smiles. "Ranpo-kun said that he didn't, and then something weird happened."

"Hm?" Mizuki raises a brow. "Weird?"

"I'm back!" Ranpo sings. "I didn't bite into the cake this time!"

"Good job, Ranpo-kun," Mizuki smiles. "Ran-chan, you believe in reincarnation?"

Fukuzawa helps the boy cut the cake and hands Mizuki a slice first.

"Yep!" He grins, and stabs his fork into his slice of cake. "I had a weird dream."

Mizuki smiles. "What did you see?"

"Mizuki-sensei," Ranpo opens an eye to look at the woman. "I saw you hunched over a desk with someone I don't know."

Mizuki closes her eyes, and leans back on her seat.

"Someone you don't know?"

"Bangs... hiding his face," Ranpo recalls. "I think there was a raccoon."

Mizuki hums. "I have a feeling you'll meet him eventually."

"Alright," Ranpo closes his eye, and Mizuki stares at him. The two share a thought.

They're hiding something.

"Alright," Mizuki stands up, and pats her dress. "Time to go."


"Sleep!" Mizuki grins. "It's late for both of you."

"Will you be gone in the morning?"

"Yes," Mizuki hums.

"Stay safe... kaa-san." Yosano mumbles softly.

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