Chapter 22.5 - Conferences go ew

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"We got dispatched for this??" Mizuki blinks furiously at the sight of werewolves on the ground. "THIS????"

"They've killed enough people, Mizuki," Fukuchi grumbles. "Government's orders."

"Got it," The woman grumbles. "What's our reward?"

"Our surgery."

"Weak ass government officials," Mizuki grumbles. "May I make the dramatic entrance?"

"With pleasure," Fukuchi tilts his head in acknowledgment, and Mizuki throws the door to the helicopter open. 

"BOMBS AWAY!!!!" Mizuki jumps out the door, followed by the rest of the members of the hunting dogs. Her boot meets the face of a werewolf, and her blade meets another. "COUNT YOUR KILLS! I'LL TAKE TOP KILLER OUT FOR DINNER!!!"


"The generals of these soon to be established forces will have a word with you."

Mizuki puts her hair up, following behind Fukuchi. The world leaders pause.

"This... this can't be true!"

"It's really them!"


"What a presence!"

"I can't believe it..."

Mizuki finally succeeds in putting her hair up, and the man rushes up to greet them.

"Incredible... I feel moved!" He shakes their hands. "Oh, to be breathing the same air as legendary war heroes! It's thanks to you two that we're still alive!"

"I'm really nowhere near his level," Mizuki brushes it off with a smile on her face.

"Nonsense! All of us congregated here, knowing classified information on national defense, know that you two's deeds are nothing like fairytales." He explains. "At the republic of Kenya, you two led your team to exterminate 100,000 ability experiment werewolves, preventing the slaughter of refugees by Arab rulers in Africa; Mizuki dueling the semi-immortal ability user "wasp" for 51 days and winning, Fukuchi stopping the burst of infections of a blood-sucking species in Europe... each a calamity that could've blown away the world's very foundations. We owe our lives to you two."

"You flatter me," Mizuki chuckles. "But, out of respect, please do listen to what the commander has to say for three minutes?"

"Of course... but first... could you sign here?" The man holds up a notebook to the two.

A drop of sweat travels down the side of Mizuki's head comically.

Finishing signatures, Mizuki steps to the side as Fukuchi delivers his speech. 

"... the terrorists could be a step ahead of us. As if nothing happened, they had all disappeared overnight." Fukuchi speaks. "Our team is working hard to find them, I assure you. We have the best eyes and ears of the world. However, it is best to be wary of the situation."

Mizuki smiles.

"Would you like to speak?"

"Frankly, I was worried when I was offered the role of vice commander for this new unit," Mizuki scratches her cheek. "I had been undercover in the ADA, and never once had I suspected they were terrorists, which makes them all the more scarier. But now that the truth has been revealed, I'll be sure to catch every single one of those pesky rats and kill them for tricking me like that."

The smile on her face drops.

"Now, now," Fukuchi claps his hands. "Our vice commander is much more intense than I am. But fear not, she always has the safety of the world in her mind. She wouldn't hurt any of you, granted you don't do anything to her."

"Nicely put, commander!" Mizuki beams. "It's the same as the vice-commander of the hunting dogs. The world is put before us, and it is our duty to protect its citizens. This government-less newly formed group will protect everyone, regardless of status or history. We will stop at nothing to protect you all and make sure the world is safer."

Fukuchi takes over after that, and Mizuki calms her beating heart.

The smile on her face stays; ever so gentle. She stares up at the commander speaking, eyes sparkling gently. To others, it seemed like she was looking at him in admiration. To the commander, it meant that she wanted him to finish this thing and get it over with. She's impatient when she smiles like a little angel.

Fukuchi gets the message.

"So please, we're once again asking for your cooperation."

Mizuki smiles at the crowd.

"A-ah, Vice commander!" A politician runs up to Mizuki as Fukuchi leaves to finish discussing the final details. "A-are you free for dinner?"

Mizuki contemplates her choices. "No... I'm sorry. I was planning on eating with the rest of the team today."

"Ah, then that's alright," He smiles. "I figured you would be busy..."

Mizuki waves at him as he leaves, and drops the smile when almost everyone is out.

"My cheeks hurt." She rubs it with a pout on her face. 

"Mizuki-dono, time to go."

"Hai!" Mizuki follows along.

I miss Yu-chan...

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