Chapter 1 - The blank book

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Her first husband had given her a book.

"I stole this from the merchant. He said anything that was written in here would come true. A token of my love for you." He had handed it to her with a gentle kiss on her knuckles.

Her hair had been long at the time. Her eyes had still glimmered like garnets, and her smile had still been genuine.

"Thank you, mi esposo." She had smiled and placed a gentle kiss on his nose.

"Anything for you. You have given me invincibility, and in return I will give you anything you want."

"Then may I get a feather to write in this book with?'

"Of course, mi esposa."

Her feather comes with a price. The feather doesn't come until her husband is nearing his death.

"Mi esposa, please use the book well. I'll be watching from the skies." Her husband wrapped a hand around hers, frail from age.

"I love you too." She mumbles quietly, eyes brimming with tears.

She woman hadn't touched the book even when he passed. She had sensed it gave off a different feeling, and she didn't want to risk anything. So when years later it was said a pirate had given his wife the most sought-after books in the world, she was surprised.

"What do you mean a pirate stole precious book?"

"Ah, maybe you hadn't heard, but anything you write in that book will come true."

"Huh..." She mumbles. She checks her baggage that same day; nothing was missing.

"Why are you so surprised?"

"Nothing," She mumbles. "My family has an heirloom that none of us are to write in."


"Apparently it had been a token of her husband's love," Mizuki smiles to a friend.

The book had been locked up since then.

Fukuzawa's intrigued by the story about the book.

"Ah?" Fukuzawa drinks his water.

"But I've written in it when I was young, and nothing happened. I guess one of my ancestors were delerious or something." She shrugs.

"Maybe not." Fukuzawa stares at her. "Your ability makes you immortal, right? It would make sense if one of your ancestors had passed the ability on to you."

"Ah... right." Mizuki mumbles softly.

"But I'm surprised," Fukuzawa speaks up. "You had passed out for the first time. What happened?"

"I..." She swallows. "I had a long dream."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"It's fine." She mumbles softly. "Ah, how's Mori?"

"Kidnapped." Fukuzawa unsheathes his sword.

"Fifty-fifty?" Mizuki squats on top of the building.


The two jump off the building, wiping everyone else out. Mizuki's careful to not get any blood on her outfit as she kills; and she steps over the piled-up dead bodies around her.

The room is clean.

Mori's tied up by a rope, and there's a bruise on his cheek.

Mizuki smiles in amusement.

Blood drips from Mori's mouth to the ground.

"So stubborn, Doctor Mori," The man clicks his tongue and reloads his gun.

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