Chapter 11 - Midwinter Memento

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"Congrats on finishing training." Fukuchi slaps Mizuki on the back.

"HaCk-" She coughs violently. 

"Did you just choke?"

"CONTROL YOUR STRENGTH, YOU OLD MAN," Mizuki hisses. "Just because I don't bruise and break doesn't mean I don't feel pain."

"I trust you got your undercover mission?" He ruffles her hair affectionately. Mizuki adjusts her hair when he takes his hand off, and she grumbles.

"Yeah. How do I even make it into the ADA? Should I get scouted?" She grumbles. "Or should I approach them, asking to join?"

"It doesn't matter. We only need information on them." Fukuchi smiles. "You're more than capable enough to join them."

Mizuki stares at the cloud passing by. "I'm leaving tomorrow morning to join."

"Why not today?"

"I need to plan it out," The woman grumbles. 

"MI-SANNNN!!!!" Teruko launches herself onto the woman.

She grunts in annoyance. The tattoo etches itself onto her torso, under the small chrysanthemum from Jouno. "Why so happy? Are you glad that I won't be able to kick your ass in battle anymore?"

"Yeah," She smiles. "I hate you and your stupid ability to not break."

Age hadn't been a big thing on Mizuki's mind until Teruko had shown up. With her ability to age at will, Mizuki didn't need to change with makeup anymore. She didn't bother using Tecchou's ability or Jouno's. They wouldn't come in handy unless she had no other choices. Fukuchi's ability was only helpful in terms of combat against him, not against anyone else.


For as long she remembered, the ability had been part of who she was. It gnawed at her, ate at her mind, forcing the woman to steal abilities. To devour those who were weaker than her. To keep going until she collected every ability in the world. It wanted. No. It needed to be fed or else she would crack.

She had only used it once out of her own volition.

"M̷̙͘a̴̛̯͇͊m̵̯͆m̵̧̭̚ó̶͔ǹ̴̩͘," She glares at the man, the sight of Chuuya in a pool of blood resting on her lap. "What a fitting ability for someone who kills everyone I love."

"Well, little miss Peace and War. It's been a while, Mimir." A figure smiles at her. Mizuki stands up and places a hand on them. Blood leaks out of their mouth.

"Ah? Do you happen to control blood?" they smile. "I have an iron deficiency."

"Cute," Mizuki snaps her fingers, and more blood leaks out.

"You're not little miss Belatsunat." He smirks. "What are you?"

Mizuki stares down at him, eyes glowing red with blood.

"Поклонитесь Иштар." 

A liquid falls to the ground at a steady pace.

Mizuki blinks back into focus.

"Mi-san, are you ok?" Teruko waves her hand in front of her face. "You look tired."

"I had a bad memory." She smiles. "Don't worry about it."

"You'll visit every two weeks, right?"

"No," Mizuki shakes her head gently. "I'm relaying all the information through something else."

"Alright." Teruko sighs. "Stay safe, Mi-san."

Mizuki zips her bag up, and hops on her motorbike. 

"When will we see you?" Jouno comes to see her off with Tecchou. 

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