Chapter 16 - The cherished days

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Mizuki leans back on the couch. "UghghHHHhh."

"What's wrong?" Fukuzawa looks up from his book.

"I'm bored," Mizuki grumbles.

"I feel like you get bored easily." Fukuzawa hums, bookmarking his page. "Shall we go somewhere?"

"I feel like beating Mori's ass right now," Mizuki folds the edge of the page, and her fingers snap the book shut. "I'll be back."

"I should assign you a case," Fukuzawa hums, looking at the papers on his desk. "Hm?"

"I'll be back in thirty," Mizuki hums, pressing a patch on her skin. "If I'm not, assume I got held back by Elise."

"Have fun," Fukuzawa hums, and she evaporates.

Mizuki floats around the city of Yokohama until she enters Mori's office.

"That's it," Mori hums. 

Chuuya nods, and he leaves the room.

"No fun, Chu-chan!" Mizuki fades in, and dodges the bullet he sends her way. "Boring ass shrimp."

"Ah, it's just you," Chuuya sighs and puts his gun away. 

"Where'd you learn that?" Mori raises a brow.

"While you were in hell," Mizuki grins cheekily. "Donno."

Chuuya stares at Mizuki, and he mouths words to her.

He remembers.

"Even better!" Mizuki grins. "I'll visit you later. Now shoo,"

Chuuya bows, and he leaves the room.

"Why are you here?"

"Updates," Mizuki sits on his desk and crosses her legs. "Updates!!"

"Gide was killed," Mori hands her a file. "Verlaine was sniped before anyone had the chance. The flags are a unit under Chuuya now."

"How nice," Mizuki smiles fondly. "Anything el-"

"Mizuki-chan!!!" Elise runs over. "Welcome back!!"

"Hello my little pedophilic manifestation of Mori's!" Mizuki embraces the girl, nuzzling her face into her neck affectionately. "How are you, my darling Elise-chan?"

"Rintarou sucks," She huffs.

"I know he does," Mizuki sits the girl in her lap as she looks over the reports. "I'm surprised you got them to write reports."

"Only for the time you were missing," Mori shrugs. "One more."

"Who's this?"

"Rimbaud." Mori hums. "Verlaine is currently locked with his illumination."

"Sounds about right," Mizuki smiles, remembering the two. "Has he found a way to enter the box?"

"Nope," Mori hums.

"Mizuki-chan," Elise leans on the woman's shoulder. "Why couldn't I be part of the Fukuzawa clan..."

Mizuki holds back a laugh, and Mori gasps offendedly. "ELISE-CHAN!"

"I feel like Fukuzawa-san would be so much better of a dad..." Elise whines. "All Rintarou does for me is shop and spoil me... I think he's low-key into me."

"I know," Mizuki laughs dryly. "He's into little girls."

"Can we go shopping?" Elise sighs overdramatically. 

"Elise-chan, what about me-"

"Where do you want to go?" Mizuki smiles, placing the papers to the side. "I have a little bit of time before I need to go."

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