Chapter 6 - Greed

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Mizuki stares at herself in the public bathroom mirror.

She licks the blood from the corner of her mouth, and the voices ring.

Kill them.

Mizuki stares at the way her eyes look dead.

Blood is all over her face, and her hair is messy from the fight. Stains of red seep into her skirt, and the edge of her skirt is burnt from an ability user. Her brown hair has clumps of blood in it, and she washes it out with the sink water. The sink is stained red from all her washing. Leftover crystal residue sits on the side of her mouth, and she pauses to wipe it off with her thumb. She licks it clean.

"Miss? Are you alright in there?"

Mizuki coughs. "I'm fine! Sorry!"

She slides her hair back, and scratches the blood off her skin.

Her nails are bloody.

Kill her.

The sink turns on.

She cleans the blood from her nails, and wipes off any dried skin from the scratches.

Mizuki tightens her grip on the doorknob before leaving the restroom.

"Are you better now, miss?"

Mizuki smiles. "A lot better. Thank you for letting me use the restroom."

The girl smiles. "Of course. Get home safe."

Mizuki lets the breeze blow into her face.

Wandering through the streets aimlessly, she finally sets eyes on the mansion.

"Mizuki," Fukuzawa opens his arms, and she collapses into his arms. "Long day?"

"I met up with Oda a couple days ago," Mizuki closes her eyes, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

"How did it go?" Fukuzawa lifts her gently, and the two head inside.

"I might still love him," Mizuki knows her words might sting him, but she had promised to be honest.

"Are you considering a harem?"

The side of her lips tugs upward at his joke.

"No. I love you as well," She hums. "A lot."

Fukuzawa hums. "Good to know."

"Do I got get one back?"

"The moon is pretty."

"HOW ROMANTIC!" Mizuki swoons, throwing her arms around his neck. "You're so romantic, Yu-chan."

Fukuzawa smiles gently at her.

"You know," Mizuki opens an eye to look at him. "I think I loved you at some point in my previous life."

"Ranpo told me," He sets her on the same chest they had rested when they defeated the organization. "You nearly wiped out the human race when I died."

"Oh, I did," Mizuki blinks. "I wiped out all of Russia."

Fukuzawa pauses.

"All of it?"

"All the ability users." Mizuki hums. "I stopped at Prague for a day and then destroyed the order of the clock tower."

Fukuzawa sits next to her. Mizuki leans on his shoulder.

"With no ability users left, I was left alone." Mizuki sighs. "Ranpo was the last person I had left."

"Did America not have any left?"

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