Chapter 26 - Page 5 - Dracula

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Mizuki stares at the coffin in the room.

"I never thought it'd be out in broad daylight." 

Mizuki cracks the casket open, and she hums. "Bram."

"Ah, Belatsunat." Bram hums. "It's been a while."

"It has." Mizuki grabs him gently, and smiles. "So? Will it be death by my hands or Mammon?"

"What's your name?" Bram stares at the woman laying on the ground.

"I was named Ishtar, and then Belatsunat," Mizuki smiles. "After the goddess."

"From a lost nation?"

"Civilization," Mizuki sticks a finger up in the air. "Are you here to turn me into a vampire?"

"No." Bram sits next to her. "this is where I come to rest."

"What year is it again..."


"So you're another man who turned into their own book?" Mizuki sits up.

"You speak fluent Slavik."

"I do," Mizuki dusts off her skirt. "Answer the question."

"I lost consciousness, and then I was here." Bram chuckles. "I'm planning on waging war soon."

"I'm running to Japan next." Mizuki stands up, and spins around in her skirt.

"Is there a reason?"

"The great war," Mizuki sings. "I want to see a new world. China chased me out when my husband died."

"Then... I'll meet you there."

"I hope you die before that."

"How cruel of you," Bram laughs.

"I guess I did end up meeting you in Japan," Bram chuckles. "Though I wasn't expecting it to be like this. Steal my ability and then kill me silently. Our last life was a nightmare."

"I'm glad we agree on that one." Mizuki hums, taking off a glove. "Mammon. Steal."

The ability digs itself into Bram's chest, and hisses when it meets the sword.

Can't. The sword

Mizuki grumbles. "Copy?"

The ability tries again, swirling around the man, careful to avoid the blade.


Mizuki hums. "I'm going to dig it through you, and then hopefully you die, and I get a new sword."

"Do you think I'll end up in heaven?"

"Probably Purgatory. Any last words?"

"It was nice seeing you again, Belatsunat."

The blade digs through his brain, and Mizuki stares at the dead. 

"I think I'm never ending up in heaven either." Mizuki dusts off her hands, and she pinches her fingers on Bram's fangs, snapping them off. 

That was harsh.

Mizuki shrugs, placing the teeth into a small box and slipping it into her pocket.

There's a knock on the door.


"Come in," Mizuki hums.

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