Chapter 15 - Beast

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Mizuki yawns while at the seat of Café Uzumaki.

"Please make this curry spicier." Oda returns the plate to the employee. Mizuki presses a hard hand to Akutagawa's leg.

Oda's vision changes.

"Huh?" Akutagawa furrows his brows as he tries using Rashomon again.

"That's enough," Mizuki grumbles.

"Miss, your udon," The worker slides her the bowl.

"Thank you!" Mizuki breaks apart her chopsticks, and grins. "Ikkadakimasu!"

Mizuki prepares to start eating before Oda's ability is triggered.

"Aku-chan, if you try interrupting me while I'm eating, I will not hesitate to cut you up with your own ability."

Mizuki slurps on her noodles, and sighs in satisfaction. 

Akutagawa pauses in his steps.

Another vision flashes through her eyes.

"Ryuunosuke Akutagawa." Mizuki's voice is stern. "I'm about to give you even shittier lungs if you keep doing this."

"I need to be prepared-"

"Not when Oda and I are trying to have lunch at a dammed Café," Mizuki deadpans, going back to her noodles. "One more death vision, and I will have you crying to leave the ADA."

"I don't mind."

"Oda," Mizuki blinks, mildly bothered. "Keep out of the conversation."

"Yes." He digs into the curry the waiter put on the table. "Sorry, Mizuki."

Mizuki drinks the broth, and Akutagawa stares at her in shock.

"What? Never seen a woman eat?" Mizuki raises a brow.

Akutagawa shakes his head. "It looks good."

"Do you want some?"

He shakes his head.

"It feels weird," Mizuki wipes her mouth. "There was another book written in my early years where Dazai forcibly separated you and Gin-chan. In this life, Gin-chan is working for Dazai while you work for the ADA."

"Just how many books did you write?"

Mizuki counts on her fingers.

The group watches as she moves into the tens.

"Thirteen." Mizuki hums. "Three short ones and ten full-length ones."

"You're insane," Kunikada sighs.

"I'm just a fanatic," Mizuki hums. "who copes by getting lost in my own fantasies~!"

Kunikada sighs and leans back onto the chair.

"I'm not surprised," Oda points the spoon at her. "You always peeked over my shoulder in curiosity when I wrote."

"Oda, your last bit of writing literally broke my heart," Mizuki points her chopsticks at him in the same manner. "You said you wanted to move to a place by the sea. I literally broke into tears from that."

"Sorry," He hums, taking another bite of his curry. "Had I known you could bring the kids back to life, I might've not gone."

"Back... to life?"

"I stole an ability from a European while I was in Europe," Mizuki blows on her tea. "Dickens."

"You stole from who?!"

"Charles Dickens," Mizuki hums. "He had multiple, so I just copied one before I got caught."


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