Chapter 10.5 - Vacation by the Gide

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"And where are you off to?" Jouno raises a brow at the sound of the window opening.

"To save some orphans, asshole," Mizuki grumbles.

"Does Fukuchi know?"

"No," Mizuki hops out the window. "He doesn't need to know. I'll be back tomorrow."

Mizuki leaves the room without a sound, and claps twice.

"Good morning, Mori!!!" Mizuki throws open the doors to his office. "Oh, it's empty."

Her boots hit the floor with sharp clicks, and she stares at the file left on the desk for her.

"Ah," Mizuki smiles. "How kind of him."

Oda's on duty for Gide again. I was told that he's blessed, so he could take it up again. I'd advise you to join them. I know you only have a day or two off, so we plan on luring Gide to the same place as before. Good luck.

"Ugh," Mizuki claps twice, and she finds herself in front of the udon store where the orphans rested. "Time to check in on the kids."

The sound of her footsteps echo through the halls of the second floor, and Mizuki hums as she knocks on the door to their room. She unlocks the door with ease, making a mental note to have them lock the door when they sleep.


"W-Who are you?!"

Mizuki glances at the kids. "Wanna see a trick?"

"O-Oda-san said not to talk to strangers."

Mizuki sighs, and she sits on the floor. "Watch."

The gold coin flutters through Mizuki's fingers, and she tosses it up. Gold confetti sparkles through the air.

"Woah..." The kids stare in awe. Mizuki smiles, and she sits on the floor, cross-legged.

"Mizuki-nee-san." Kosuke is the first to stare at the woman. There wasn't any gold on their faces, but the coin had done the job to restore a portion of their memories. "Are you... back?"

Mizuki shakes her head. "I won't be back for a long time. Just for today, so rest well."

She picks up the kids one by one. Pressing her lips to their forehead before, she tucks all of them in. She leans on the side of the door, waiting for Mimic. The sun rises, and Mizuki flips her phone open.

"Good morning," Oda yawns through the phone. "I assume you're there?"

"Did Mori tell you?"

"Dazai did." He hums. "I'll be fighting Gide."

"Have fun," Mizuki hums. "I won't check in on you. Keep your mouth shut while fighting him."

"Got it," He hums.

Mizuki hears the sound of an engine rumbling.

"Kousuke, do you still remember how to use a gun?" Mizuki pulls the item from thin air. "Hm?"

"Yes." The boy looks up at Mizuki, eyes filled with determination.

Mizuki pauses.

"I'll teach you another time," Mizuki grumbles. "I don't think killing someone is on your bucket list as a five-year-old."

"But I wanna protect-"

"There are plenty of ways to protect people," Mizuki smiles. "For example, locking the door and making sure the windows are covered."

The sound of an explosion downstairs catches everyone off guard.

"Alright," Mizuki smiles. "Wanna see how far my ability can go? Guard the door and cover your ears!"

The kids lock the door behind Mizuki, and she checks to see if the revolver is loaded as she rushes down the stairs.


"How about you suck my dick instead?"

One bullet.




Mizuki reloads her gun swiftly as a second round of Mimic members rush at her.

"Oh? Not enough? Eat up." Mizuki fires the gun again, and the sound of bullets echoes through the nearly empty building. The smell of gunpowder fills the first floor, and dead bodies pile on top of each other.

"Mammon." Mizuki smiles sadistically. "If I remember correctly, the healing ability is from this group; Devour it."

Got it.

Mizuki turns around and lets the ability search for food.



"Yeah," Mizuki smiles. "It's me."

"Is Oda here?"

"No," Mizuki slides down against the door. "He's handling the big boss."

"Is it safe to go out?"

"When I get the signal."

I got him.

The ability slips back into Mizuki, and the needle pricks her skin.

The woman smiles and sings. "It's safe to come out!"

The kids open the door slowly, and Mizuki hums. "Keep your eyes closed; I have blood all over me."

Mizuki closes the door behind her, and she whispers gently.

"Greed." The demon cages her and the children in, and she smiles.

The kids curl around her, and they fall asleep. Mizuki stares at the time on her phone, and she picks the children up with Chuuya's ability.

"My, my," A voice speaks up. "Who knew that there was another?"

Mizuki spins on her heel to face the voice.

Mizuki smiles. "Have fun finding them."

She claps twice, and she finds herself in the office of the ADA.

"Good morning!" Mizuki sings. "How are you guys? I'm here to drop off Oda's kids, and then I'll be on my way."

"W-Who are you?!"


"Ah," A voice greets her. "Are you here to stay?"

"Not yet," Mizuki hums. "Can I borrow the shower?"

"Go home and shower," The president walks out from his office. "Ranpo predicted this, so he's already prepared the clothes for you."

"Alright," Mizuki beams. "I'd kiss you, but I'm all bloody from the fight. Tell the kids I miss them."

"See you."

Mizuki disappears, and she cleans herself off. She sits on the side of the washing machine, waiting for the clothes to dry.

She stares out the small window and wonders if she was doing the right thing in this life. She had lost too many people in her last life and hadn't lost a single one in this life. Messing with how fate was had consequences, so she could only hope she would be spared like all the other times she had stepped in.


Mizuki changes into her clothes, and shifts to two miles from the hunting dogs base. Mizuki busies herself with a book and casually jumps over the fence. She hears the sound of the morning gathering, and chucks her book through her open window, rushing to the meeting room.

"Anyone know where Mizuki is?"

Mizuki steps into the room, book long gone.

"Sorry I'm late."

"Fourty laps." Fukuchi orders.

"Got it!" Mizuki salutes. 

"On today's business..."

Jouno listens to Mizuki's beating heart.

A small smile is shared by the both of them.

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