Chapter 31 - Epilogue - All Men are Created Equal

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Mizuki lies on the couch of the Armed Detective Agency. "I'm bored."

"You got used to a busy life?"

"I did," Mizuki sighs.

"Let's go out to eat," Oda hums. "I'm hungry."

"OHHHH, take me too Odasaku!" Dazai beams.

Atsushi stands up, and Akutagawa follows him.

"Coming!!!" Mizuki rushes over.

"Mizuki-chan, how are you feeling?"

"I'm literally exhausted," Mizuki yawns. 

"I heard you've been sleeping in?"

"Yeah," Mizuki hums. "I'm starving." 

The group heads to the cafe downstairs, and sits down to eat.

"I'll have a spiced curry." Oda orders.

"Shiruko and Houjicha," Akutagawa follows up.

"Just green tea," Dazai hums.

"No food?" Mizuki raises a brow. 

"I'll have a bowl of Chakuze!" Atsushi smiles.

"A chicken katsu-don, please," Mizuki closes her menu.

"Speaking of which," Oda hums. "Whatever happened to Kamui?"

Mizuki looks to the side. "You can say... I had a little bit of fun..."


"Please tell me you didn't jump him-"

"OI, I'M MARRIED!" Mizuki hisses at Kunikada.


Mizuki throws her head back, and places a hand over her eyes in frustration. 

"Say," Oda looks at Mizuki. 


"Have you started... ovulating?"

"Don't be preposterous," Mizuki huffs. "Obviously not."

"That's literally the only other explanation."

"Wait, what was the first one?" Mizuki raises a brow.

"That you got possessed," Chuuya leans over the cafe's seat.

"Oh, it's you," Mizuki sighs, sitting back up again. "What are you doing here?"

"Am I not allowed to visit you??"

Mizuki shrugs. "Didn't peg you to be that kind of person. Is the mafia that carefree these days?"

"Mori gave me a week off," He hums. "Along with that fucker."




"Bandage wasting device."

"HOW UNORIGINAL OF YOU, CHUUYA!" Dazai shoots back.

Mizuki doesn't bother wasting her efforts on them, and opts for eating instead. "Ah... food."

The rest of the group digs in, and Mizuki glances at Dazai, remembering Fyodor's words before he died.

"Hm," Mizuki finishes her food, and she thinks.

"Something on your mind, Mi-chan?" Dazai glances at the woman in thought. "Hm?"

"Feyda's last words," She hums. "A child."

"A child?"

"He wrote me a child, though it wasn't him." Mizuki shrugs. "He told me who it was, and now I'm stuck contemplating whether or not to tell him."

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