Chapter 7 - The Tainted Sorrow

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The voices are gone.

Mizuki wakes up to fourteen missed calls from Dazai and two more from Mori.

"Ohayo," Mizuki yawns into the phone. Fukuzawa's still resting next to her.

"Your new underling is here."

"Oh!!" Mizuki gasps softly, and she gets off the bed. "He is?"

"Dazai convinced him to join." Mori yawns. "And the Arahabaki boy."

"Ah," Mizuki presses a kiss on Fukuzawa's forehead. "I'll be there. Give me a few seconds."

"Are you-"

Mizuki scribbles a note, and she changes into some clothes. 

"Leaving?" Fukuzawa walks up from behind her. He wraps his arms around her waist, voice groggy with sleep.

"Mm," Mizuki turns to press another kiss on his forehead. "See you in a month."

"The next time is the last, right?" He hums. "Until you come back."

"Yeah," Mizuki stands up, and she wraps her outfit around her. "I'm off."

"See you," Fukuzawa presses a final kiss on her forehead.

She claps twice.

"You're here!"

"Yeah," Mizuki stretches her arms. "I was needed?"

"Yeah! Sakunosuke's he- Are those hickeys?"

Mizuki stares at him dead in the eye. "And what of it?"

"I didn't know that old man had it in him." Mori laughs. "Let me guess; he's into pet play?"

Mizuki throws a pen at him.

"He's in your office." Mori laughs. "Go get the boy. Dazai's there too."

"I keep forgetting this is some tall ass skyscraper in the middle of the city." Mizuki yawns as she walks over to her office.

"Good morning!" Dazai sings. "We made breakfast while you were- ohmygodwereyouhavingfunlastnightarethosehickeysMizukiIthoughtyouwerebetterthanthatwhatthefuck-"

Mizuki doubles over in laughter. "BWAHAHAHAH-" 

"Good morning," Oda sips on his coffee. 

"You met with the president?"

"Yeah," Mizuki hums, and she brushes past them to get her makeup pouch. "I heard you got hired, Oda-kun."

"Yeah," He hums. "I'm under your wing now."

"Did Mori name my section?"

"No," Dazai hums. "You're limited to only a few people."

"Alright," Mizuki hums. "First order of business, let's get Chuuya."

"Do you have a plan?"

Mizuki pulls out another crystal seemingly from nowhere. Biting down on it, a vibration goes through her body immediately after. White patches form in her vision.

"Mizuki?" Dazai calls in worry.

"I'm fine," She swallows the gem. "Shall we visit Suribachi City?"

"Is he even in Sheep?"

Mizuki smiles. "It doesn't matter. He's in the city."

A chilling wind runs through the room. "And I'm going to get him."


Chuuya coughs out blood, yet he steadies himself in the air.

"Ah, so you were here," Mizuki steadies herself. "How are you, Chuuya-kun?"

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