Chapter 13 - The Beast Beneath the Moonlight

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Mizuki sits up on her bed.

The stars sparkle in the dark, and the moon glows through a mist. The trees rustle outside, the leaves wet with morning dew. It's barely past twelve. Mizuki slips out of the bed, her hair loose, free from the hair tie every morning. Her white curtains rustle, and she opens her bedside drawer. A blade is deflected with her bare hand.

"You can leave the shadow, Akutagawa-kun." Mizuki closes her drawer. "I can tell you're hiding behind the curtain."

"Still keen, even in this life." Akutagawa steps out.

"How'd you notice?"

"You guys are kids, not adults." Mizuki hums.

"Damn you and your knowledge," He grumbles, and he slips out from the curtain. 

"I'm assuming Atsushi is downstairs keeping guard," Mizuki yawns. "What'd you need so early in the morning?"

"Came to check up on you."

"I don't believe you," Mizuki yawns louder this time. "So?"

"Why did you push the story to move on so fast?"

"It's better to know all your cards before using them, correct?" Mizuki slips out of bed. "Would you like something to eat?"

"You know I'm not here for that-"

"Dinner?" Mizuki smiles. "I'll cook something up."

"I told you-"

"You still have your lung illness." Mizuki glares at him. "You know that my ability doesn't heal."

"And what will-"

"Akutagawa, shut the fuck up and eat." Mizuki yanks him by his jacket. Rashomon leaks out, grabbing her wrist, but she doesn't flinch. Her bones were too hard to break, even for his ability. Though, he had managed to bruise her skin at some point in their past life.

"Why is she so gentle with you?"

"No one betrays someone who helped them unless they're twisted," Mizuki hums.

"You could've just taken me in like in our last life."

"That would've ruined the speed," Mizuki grumbles.

"How much faster as we progressing?"

"Same speed." Mizuki smiles. 

"Yo hoo!! Atsushi, baby, come in!" Mizuki waves her arm at the child. "Yes, the man with the iron deficiency."

"How'd you know I was here?"

"It's hard to miss a big ass tiger." Mizuki plops Akutagawa on the seat. "Do you want dinner?"

"Yes, please," Atsushi sits at the counter.

Mizuki fries up some food, and she plates them for the two boys.

"You were awfully quiet when the president fainted," Mizuki stares at Akutagawa.

"Ranpo gaves us a rundown that after you came back with the weretiger, the president would pass out for two weeks." He bites down on the food. "Oh, it's good."

"I put iron supplements in there, by the way," Mizuki smiles.

"Feed those to your child." Akutagawa bites down into the food again. "This has no right tasting this good."

"Oh," Atsushi groans. "That's so good. How's the president, by the way?"

"He's fine," Mizuki smiles. "... oh, shit, wait; fuck-"

"He's getting an assassination attempt today, right?"

"He'll be fine, but I still gotta-" Mizuki sprints up the stairs. She throws a box, and the knife from the assassination attempt shatters. "An..."

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