2| Fight

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Chapter 2: Fight (Josh's POV)

New Orleans. That's where I wanted to go for the next trip. It wasn't drastically far, still within our country and it was a great destination for solo trips. Since that's the section my articles focused on, it would be great. Now, all I had to do was plan and book everything, make an itinerary to follow and then tell Jamieson, the photographer I always work with, to pack up so we could leave as soon as possible. 

I turned the computer on and started looking up all the good spots, quickly scribbling them down in the journal simultaneously. 

I've worked at Travel Addict Weekly long enough to know how to go about traveling and making all the bookings for myself and whoever the photographer coming with me is. Usually, the photographers can be changed depending on who needs how many but it's been a while since Jamieson started working with me. He joined the company around the same time as, the one and only, Poppy Valentine. 

Don't even get me started on her. 

I've had five years, give or take, working here and going around the world and as much as I love it- it's all I've ever wanted to do- I still couldn't imagine settling down after I've been to too many cities or worked here for too long. 

I don't ever want to stop seeing the world. 

I shifted my hand to the mouse and just as I clicked on the link for the next website, someone called my name. 


I looked over at the door, spotting Owen. I stared at him, waiting for him to say whatever he came to say. 

"Lydia's calling you," he sighed before his shoulders dropped and he turned and left. He looked like a kid who dropped his brand new ice cream. 

Why is she calling me? I already had my meeting with her. 

I stood up while loosening my tie a bit and walked down to Lydia's office, knocking on the door. 

"Come in!" her voice came through. 

I pushed the door open, making my way in. My eyes landed on Poppy who sat across from Lydia with her back to me. She had her elbow resting on the armrest while her head rested on her closed fist. 

Moving my eyes back to Lydia, I lifted my brows, closing the door behind me. "You called me?" 

"Sit," Lydia barked, glaring at Poppy before shifting her attention to me, gesturing to the chair beside Poppy's. 

I stole a glance at Poppy as I did so. She had her jaw clenched as she stared ahead blankly, frustration and anger radiating off of her. Her knee was crossed, one leg over the other, and her foot was bouncing up and down in the air, tapping absolutely nothing. 

"What is it, Lydia?" I asked. 

She chuckled dryly, "Ms. Poppy Valentine here—" 

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