28| Feel

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Chapter 28: Feel (Josh's POV)

I fixed the sleeves of the white button-up I had on for tonight before grabbing my shoes and sitting at the foot of the bed, pulling them on. 

The steamboat ride for tonight doesn't necessarily have a formal dress code but it's known to be more of a romantic activity in New Orleans, so generally, everyone there is dressed elegantly enough for a date, hence, we are too. I hadn't seen Poppy's clothes yet, she was still getting ready in the bathroom while I waited out here. I checked the time, knowing that we were due at the dock in ten minutes. Approaching the door, I knocked on it. "We have to leave, Poppy," I reminded her. 

"One second," she replied before the door opened. She ran her hands over her waist before looking up, meeting my eyes. "We're not late, don't tell me we are," she said sternly, pointing an accusatory finger at me. I shook my head silently, staring at her. She took a step forward, closed the door behind her, and flicked the light off. Considering I still hadn't moved, we were standing pretty close now. She took in a small breath, looking up at me. "I thought we were leaving," she mumbled. 

"Right," I nodded, forcing myself to take a step back. 

She quickly moved forward and grabbed her heels, balancing on one foot while slipping them on. She blindly reached to hold the wall without knowing she was far from it, so I took her head, steadying her before she fell flat on her ass. "Thanks," she flashed me a smile before putting the other heel on and then grabbing her purse, spinning around to face me. "How do I look?" she questioned, spinning in a slow circle, doing a little bow at the end with a grin. 

I stared for a whole minute, taking in the satin red slip dress that went all the way down to her feet. It was simple but she made it look so perfect, so elegant, so beautiful. I answered her, "Absolutely gorgeous." 

She blinked in surprise before chuckling softly, "That's a first. You've never even called me pretty before, let alone gorgeous. Thank you, Josh. Now, do I need to tell you that you look amazingly handsome? Or do you know it?" She tilted her head to one side, loose strands from her cute bun falling out and framing her face. 

"I may or may not know it," I shrugged. 

She laughed, rolling her eyes playfully. "A thank you would have sufficed. Will you keep the key card?" 

I nodded, taking it as we left and tucking it into my wallet. As we walked down the hall and towards the elevator, she naturally held onto my arm. And strangely enough, it felt even better than when we held hands. It felt more... genuine. It felt a little purer, a little more like she meant it and did it without realizing it. 

When you grab and hold onto someone's hand, sure it's romantic and it's sweet but it's not the same as when a girl holds your arm. It just felt better. 

"Are Jamieson and Valerie joining us?" I asked, looking down at her as we reached the elevator. 

She retreated her arm and I bit down a frown. "No, actually. They're going to watch some live show tonight, they won't be there," she answered. 

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