31| Crash

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Chapter 31: Crash (Poppy's POV)

I had no idea how much time had passed since I started or stopped crying, but Josh hadn't let go of me yet. Every time I even shuffled, he was moving with me and adjusting to make sure he was still holding me and I still lay comfortably. 

For the past few minutes though, he hadn't moved and he was breathing evenly. I pulled back a little, just enough to look up at him, and sure enough, I found him fast asleep, his arms still around me, his chin resting on my head. I tried to make a little more room for him since I was taking up all of his space, but I barely made it an inch away from him before he held me tighter. Our lamps were still on too. 

I winced softly, getting out of his grip and leaning back to my nightstand, flicking the lamp off. When I rolled back over, he was turning it off on his own. He faced me, still more than half asleep, and put his arm around me loosely. I hesitated before inching forward and throwing a leg over his and draping my arm over his torso. 

We fell asleep tangled like that and when I woke up the next morning, that's how we still were. The sunlight was peeking through from underneath the curtains, making nothing but the floor visible. For a long minute, I didn't move or unlatch myself from him. It was only when I realized that if I didn't get moving, we'd be late for today, that I forced myself awake. I rubbed my eyes, pulling back slightly, mumbling his name. I stared at him as he lay still. 

God, he's a heavy sleeper. 

"Josh," I repeated, rubbing his back a little before pulling my hand away. "Hello," I sang, reaching up and squeezing his cheeks. 

Finally stirring, he frowned before groaning softly and squinting his eyes open. "What?" 

"We have to wake up. We're booked for an airboat ride," I reminded him. 

"Who cares? We went on a boat last night," he mumbled, on his way back to sleep. 

"Josh, you chose it," I chuckled, "plus, airboat rides are nothing like a dinner cruise. It's like a rollercoaster." 


"Josh." I squeezed his face repeatedly until he was annoyed enough to really wake up. 

He stared down at me and took in a breath. "Morning," he said. 

"Morning," I smiled. After staying in bed for another ten minutes, we really had to get going. "Let me go. I have to get ready," I patted his arm. He let go with a sigh and I climbed out of bed, stretching before walking to my suitcase. I kicked it open with my foot and stared at my clothes, deciding what to wear. I settled on a pair of black jeans with a black lace crop top underneath and a small, white button-up cardigan on top. 

Bending over, I grabbed the clothes before straightening out and heading to the bathroom, only the minute I spun around, I caught him staring at my ass. His eyes came up my legs before meeting mine. "You're shameless," I scoffed. 

"Oh, but you aren't," he commented sarcastically. 

"Yeah well," I shrugged, "you have a cute butt." He laughed and I bit back a grin, going into the bathroom and closing the door behind me. Since we'd be at an airboat ride, chances were, we'd get splashed here and there, so I would shower when we got back and for now, I brushed my teeth, washed my face, freshened up, and got dressed before leaving the bathroom. "All yours," I told him, grabbing my hairbrush. I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail, ignoring the short framing pieces, and moved to lay back down while waiting for him. 

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