19| Kayak

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Chapter 19: Kayak (Poppy's POV)

"Let's walk," I suggested as we left our hotel and reached the sidewalk. 

He started walking and that was his wordless agreement, so I fell into step beside him again as we began roaming around, heading to the restaurant street nearest to us. As we walked in silence, I stole a few glances at him. He looked great, of course, I didn't tell him that. 

I made the mistake of almost calling him handsome once and I know for a fact that he's never going to let that go, I didn't want to make another one. 

Walking down the street, I noticed there were so many people here, but mostly couples and families. There weren't too many people here traveling by themselves, surprisingly enough. "Are you excited for your kayak swamp tour tomorrow?" I asked him. 

He glanced at me but didn't answer, simply rolled his eyes. 

"Are we really going to kayak through a swamp, Josh?" 

"Yes, Poppy. A freshwater swamp. They look rather nice, especially during the sunset. I thought you look everything up before the trips," he smirked. 

"I do, but I don't look up swamps. Anyway, aren't we booked for that from four to six in the evening? What are we doing until then?" 

"Well, first we'll have breakfast at a nice restaurant near the hotel and then we can go shopping, buy some things that are significant to New Orleans. And since the tour company will send someone to pick us up, we don't have to leave any time earlier either. We can just stay in our hotel rooms," he explained. 

"All right, that sounds like a plan," I said, both of us slowing down to a stop at a small restaurant that had a live jazz band, well it was actually a trio, singing at the front. Some soft blues with a nice dinner? Hell yes. "Let's eat here," I said, nodding towards the building. 

He read the sign before nodding. "Sure." 

We headed inside and grabbed a table for four. As I hung my purse on the chair while taking a look around, he texted the name of the restaurant to Jamieson before pocketing his phone and lifting a hand, calling a waiter over with a, "Excuse me." 

A waiter walked over, holding onto a round black tray. "Yes, how can I help you?" 

"Can we get the menu, please?" 

The waiter nodded with a smile and then walked away, coming back with two menus, handing one to each of us. 

Reading the menu, I decided to order a spaghetti carbonara with some wine and Josh ordered fettuccine with wine as well, so we decided to share the bottle. While waiting for the food, we were left in silence. I rested my elbow and held my chin in the palm of my hand, observing him for a moment while he looked around the place. "So, are you enjoying New Orleans so far?" I asked, my eyes taking a quick scan of his chest and arms. 

"Considering I'm here with you? Yes, it's safe to say I am." 

I rolled my eyes, laughing humorlessly. "God, you make it such a point to hate me, don't you? Why?" 

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