3| Guilty

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Chapter 3: Guilty (Poppy's POV)

After we were practically thrown out of Lydia's office, I knew I had to go find Owen before he packed up and left, so I headed straight for his desk. Unfortunately, Josh being Josh, blocked the way. 

I sighed, glaring at him. "What?" 

"Fix it," he demanded. "This is your mess, yours and Owen's." 

"I don't have time for this right now," I huffed, walking past him. 

He shifted, blocking my way yet again, taking a step closer to me, towering over me. "Poppy, you listen to me," he said sternly. His voice didn't go up at all but it was so clear that he was fuming. He tucked his hands into his pockets, his shirt growing tight as his shoulders tensed. 

The man's a giant. How tall is he anyway? Six foot four, maybe? 

"This is your fault. I don't care who broke the rules, if it was you or Owen. Owen got fired anyway but I'm in this mess because of you." 

"Because of me?" I rolled my eyes. "Do you think I asked her to make you Owen's replacement? It was her idea. If you have such a problem with it, you tell her. We all know she likes you in this office." 

"So, you don't have a problem with it?" He lifted a brow. 

"Of course, I do. But I know there's nothing I can do about it right now when Lydia's in there, ridiculously angry." 

"I don't care. That's your problem, not mine." 

I stared at him in disbelief. "Josh—" 

"Fix it," he ordered. 

"I can't," I laughed humorlessly. 


"Look, she's given us until tomorrow. Can we talk about this later? Let's talk during lunch, I have to go right now." I pushed past him, rushing down the hall before he caught me again. I made it into our office room, stopping at Owen's desk. 

He had a box on his desk while he packed up all his things wordlessly. I grabbed the lid, putting it on the box. His attention turned to me while he pushed my hands off slowly and continued packing. 

"Owen," I sighed. "Come on, don't leave yet. Let's talk to her after lunch, she'll be in a better mood." 

He chuckled, "Poppy, you seem more upset than me." 

I frowned, "Well, I am. You're my travel buddy." 

"Well, don't you have a new one now?" He glanced at the entrance as Josh walked in. 

I ignored him but heard him throw his journal onto the table before he sat down. "I don't want that one," I huffed, glaring at Josh. "What are you going to do?" I asked, leaning my hip against the table. 

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