18| Dress

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Chapter 18: Dress (Josh's POV)

I shouldn't have said anything at lunch, nothing about how I should hate her. I should have just kept shut and continued to treat her as nothing but a co-worker, nothing but a travel partner, nothing but a rival. That's what she was, she is. We'd barely been in New Orleans for two days, how could things have changed so quickly? 

"You seem a little uh, distressed," Jamieson said.

We were currently walking back to our hotel after lunch, walking instead of taking a cab because we were here to explore the city and what good would that be if we just get a taxi to go everywhere? 

"I'm not," I replied, glancing at him and then facing ahead where Poppy and Valerie walked side by side. I glared at him silently and he responded with a small shrug. 

"Oh, wait. Is it just because Poppy's here?" 

I huffed, stopping and facing him. 

What is with his questions? 

He rolled his eyes at me. "I'm only asking because you're never like this when we travel for your articles. It's definitely about Poppy. God, do you really hate her that much?" 

"Yes," I replied immediately. "I do." 

No, I fucking don't. But I should, damn it. 

"Why? I don't get it, I'm curious. The whole office probably is. It's like the biggest mystery we have." 

"Mystery?" I snickered as we resumed walking. 

"Yeah. Think about it from our perspective. This new girl joined the company and everybody clicked with her instantly, we all loved her. Now, we know you're a bit of a... How do I say this nicely? Yeah, you're a bit of a grump." 

"That's nice, thanks," I replied sarcastically. 

"But still. We've never seen you be so rude to any other co-workers." 



"Why don't you shut up now? Worry about your photography. Did you get enough pictures today? I would hope so, considering how long you spent at the museum." 

"Oh, we left the museum not too long after you, actually." 

"Then what took you so long?" I questioned. 

"We got lost here." 

I paused. "You got lost too?" 

"Too? You and Poppy did as well?" 

"Yeah. We ended up going in a circle." 

He scoffed and shook his head, "We only got lost because of Valerie. She insisted on leading the way and I told her repeatedly that we were going the wrong way but she didn't listen to me. Was Poppy leading the way? Is that why you've been so annoyed ever since lunch?" 

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