37| Changed

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Chapter 37: Changed (Poppy's POV)

"Poppy," he whispered. 

I was slowly stirring awake, reluctantly so. Today, we were flying back home. 

On our last day in New Orleans, as scheduled, we took that haunted ghost tour and ate all our meals at local restaurants before calling it a night because today at six o'clock in the morning, sharp, we were flying back to good old New York City. 

"Poppy," he said a little louder this time as I felt his hand holding my cheek, stroking my skin with his thumb. 

"Hmm?" I rubbed my eyes, rolling over, throwing a leg over his. 

"We have to leave for the airport," he answered. 

"Why?" I whined, kicking my other leg around until it slid off the bed and dangled. "I don't want to go." 

"Why not?" he laughed softly. 

"I like what we've become here," I groaned, opening my eyes and staring at him with a frown. "I don't want to pretend to hate you," I said. 

He held my gaze until I yawned and rolled back over. He huffed, grabbing my arm and pulling me back. "So much for a romantic morning. All right, that's it. Get up. We have a flight to catch and we have the day off anyway, so you can catch up on all your sleep back in New York." 

"Yeah, but we have work tomorrow," I complained, even more, cuddling up to him. 

"Poppy, I let you sleep in as much as I could. I'm already dressed, darling and if we wait any longer, we'll be late." 

I slipped a hand under his shirt, hearing him sigh softly. It made me smile. 

"If you wake up," he paused and thought for a minute. "If you wake up right now and do as I say, I'll make up for last night," he said.

My eyes snapped open and I lifted my head to look at him. 

Last night, I wanted to have sex with him again, but he refused just to spite me. I was practically throwing myself at him and he was watching a show for entertainment. I thought he would cave, and he did for a split moment, but only to tease me with his kisses and touches and then leave me hanging. He even got me naked only to then throw his shirt at my face and tell me to put it on. 

"Promise?" I asked. 

He nodded, grinning down at me. 

"Okay," I sighed, scooting away from him before climbing out of bed. I grabbed the clothes that I had already taken out last night and went into the bathroom, leaving them on the counter. I grabbed my toothbrush first and brushed my teeth. Once I freshened up completely, I reached for my clothes but couldn't spot my bra. I clicked my tongue, going back out. 

He held it up on one finger, dangling it for me, grinning. 

"Give that to me," I laughed, walking over and reaching for it. 

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