4| Unbelievable

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Chapter 4: Unbelievable (Josh's POV)

I locked the car behind me with a sigh and followed Poppy into the restaurant. I knew that Poppy and Jenny were friends, I knew they met once in a while because Jenny does bring her up in our conversations sometimes, but even those conversations are limited because Jenny and I don't talk often. 

We don't get along, to say the least. I know she's not the only one to blame when it comes to what happened in the past but I can't move on from it without holding a bit of a grudge. It's a bad habit. I don't forgive people easily, but it's always been that way. 

The only reason Jenny and I talk and meet sometimes is because I want to be a part of Blake's life and she wants that too. Jenny and I are the only siblings from our family and if we lose touch, that's it. Her kids would have nobody from her side of the family and neither would mine if I ever even have them. Blake's my only nephew and her only child, so it's only right that I at least try to be a part of his life.

Poppy pulled the door open and walked in while I took a quick scan around the place. It wasn't too full today, only a few tables were occupied. 


I looked ahead, my eyes meeting Jenny's. 

"Hey," Poppy sang and then moved forward, lightly poking Blake's cheek. "Hi, Blake." 

Jenny held him on her hip, only looking at Poppy. "You've got table seven," she told her. 

"Thank you," Poppy said before glancing at me over her shoulder and then walking off to the table. 

I lingered for a second, taking my hands out of my pockets. 

"Hi, Josh," she said, offering me a small smile. 

"Hey, Jenny." 

She took in a breath and then moved forward. "Could you hold him for a second? I need to check the kitchen." 

I nodded before taking Blake, flicking his blond curls out of his eyes. Once Jenny was gone, I cracked a small smile. It was impossible not to when I held him. "Hi," I whispered, tapping his nose. He grinned, showing me four little teeth as he rested his head on my shoulder, his bright blue eyes sparkling. I took in a breath, steadily patting his back. When I realized Poppy was already seated, I made my way over to her and sat down, seating Blake on the table between us, placing the salt shaker in front of him after making sure the lid was closed. 

Poppy watched, resting her arms on the table, and then turned her attention from Blake to me. "Look, I..." she sighed and then cleared her throat. "I know you think I should apologize to you and maybe I should but what happened on that trip was not my fault. I didn't even know about it until today." 

"I don't care," I replied. "I don't care if it was your fault or if it wasn't, all I know is that I'm in this situation because of you. I don't work with people, Poppy and I'm not going to work with you. So you better find a solution and fix this." 

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